The Kabylian Force

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read first:  1) Vikings and Berbers the great conquerors
There is one kind of courage: the courage of the man who defends his own, his home, his family, his homeland. Another kind of bravery is that which leads ethnic groups to conquer new lands, new horizons, to make their homes there. It is a courage bordering on madness.

Not much is known about the prehistory of the Vikings. They were apparently Nordic peoples, dedicated to fishing and hunting, who must have cultivated certain vegetable products to supplement their diet. Influenced by the retreat of the last ice age over Northern Europe, they apparently had to look for new lands to settle in, which influenced the massive migrations of prehistoric times, already known to the reader, in which the Goths, separated into two huge streams, dividing into Visigoths and Ostrogoths, reached Spain on the one hand, and India on the other. But the Vikings apparently managed to stay in the Nordic areas, first in Sweden and Norway. Later in Denmark and Iceland. From there they went on to Greenland and America. They, like the North African Berbers, were capable of great sacrifices in order to extend their fields of action and at the same time to profit from their piracy, since they apparently sought, like all primitive peoples in expansion, to defeat the neighbouring tribes in order to gain the best pastures, the best fishing grounds and pre-eminence in the bartering that was traditional in those times.

The Vikings temporarily dominated most of the coasts of Northern Europe and even maintained a pre-eminence in the Mediterranean Sea, contesting this strategic area with the Greeks and Egyptians. This demonstrates the physical condition of these men, who were undoubtedly destined to flourish among all the ethnic groups of this great region. The North Atlantic and Baltic islands were their main footholds, enabling them to maintain their hegemony on the basis of their fast war ships, which were feared for their mobility and excellent attack tactics. On the Norse islands such as Faroer, Shetland, Orkney, the Hebrides and Iceland they had located collectivities in the form of small villages, but which could be used to repair their ships, obtain food and water, and to reinforce their decimated crews, as in the Mediterranean.
Shortly after the occupation of Iceland, one of the ships piloted by Gunnbjorn was blown north by adverse winds, and thus drifted to Greenland. These lands were later conquered by Erik the Red. After some years, the ship of the pilot Herjulfson, a young boy, was blown off course to the west by adverse winds and storms, to reach unexplored lands, which he called Vinland because of the large number of vineyards growing there.
Once word spread, other Greenlanders followed the route discovered by Herjulfson and came to settle on the new continent, where they lived in constant struggle with the natives, who naturally wanted to prevent such daring foreigners from taking their land. These facts were confirmed not only by the accounts of the Greenlanders and the Vikings in general, but also by the fact that rocks have been found there with inscriptions in runic letters, which have been translated and prove beyond doubt that these daring peoples colonised some parts of the new continent. But because they were relatively small groups, they were either absorbed by the American population or destroyed later, due to the bravery of the Indians.

To show that Vikings and Berbers were related in some way, perhaps by family ties, perhaps by neighbourhood, we should study the toponyms of the Nordic countries, to see if some of them can be translated or interpreted through the Easter language, which is that of the primitive Berbers. Unfortunately, under the Muslim domination of North Africa, the Berbers lost their language and adopted that of the Arabs.
But also in North Africa there are indisputable signs that they used the present-day Easter language, as the toponymies prove it. First of all we will look at the toponyms of the Nordic peoples or countries.

(See page 31 on the book)  ICELAND: AKUREYRI: AKl} (Aku-Aku)- “spirit of the dead” RE – “victor” – IRI – “to climb up a thing and stay on top of it”. It is unmistakable the Aku-Aku concept that we find among the Yoruba of the Niger region, as on Easter Island, with the same meaning. But the word AKU is also found in China, where the spirits of the dead are called MAKUY, and where we find again – “AKU”. Aku is found in Chinese acupuncture, but it even exists among the Tupinambas Indians of Paraguay, where it is synonymous with the strange custom, according to which, when a woman is about to give birth, the husband must writhe in his hammock as if possessed by great pain, until the baby arrives. Then he can leave his bed and rejoin the life of the tribe. But that we find a toponym in Iceland with the name AKUREYRI, undoubtedly links the Berbers with the Vikings.
REYKJAVIK: RE- “victor”, IKA – “Death”, VI’E – “woman”. Maybe Ia K can mean KA – “to light a fire”. The translation is a bit confusing, but let us remember that in Norse traditions, brave women fighting alongside their husbands were no exception.
DYRA: – TIRA – “forehead”. NORDEROE:-NO-“always”,TERE “to leave, to flee, to dodge”. A place, to which one always arrived on the run, or from which one had to flee. There are other interesting toponyms on the Faroer islands: FAROER: PAA – “to go round”, ROA – “distance”. That is, the islands to be avoided. ARNAR: ARA – “road, path, track, track, way”, NA’A – “hidden”. HUK: – HUKA – “to go somewhere, having been advised not to go. That is, it was a part, to which he should not go.

To be continued..

DRANGA:TE – “the”,RAA – “Sun or God”,NGA – “group”. The group that worshipped the sun. 

HAFRADIUDR: HA – “to direct the breath (as in Hatha Yoga), RA – “there”, TIHO – “in the dark”. In other words: There, in the dark, they performed breathing exercises.

‘VAAGOE – VAHA – “opening, crevice”, NGO – “supply” Probably a gap, through which one group could supply another.

BREIDI – RE – “triumph”, ITI – “small”. Locality in which a group won a minor victory”.

 HEKLA – HE – “e{“, KA – “light the fire”.

 GLAMU – NGA – “group”, – MOU – “to keep silent, to mute, to die”.

 SKAGATA – KA – “glorious”, NGA – “group”, TA – “tattooing, painting, drawing, writing”. 

 KAMARUJUK (Greenland): KA – “to light the fire” MA’A “to know, to understand, to know”. ROU – “hook”, HIO – “durable firm”.

 IPERNIVIK – HIHI (HI)- “knotted”. PE – “like” NIHI- “bow”. VIVI (VI) – “to tie”.

 UMANAK – HOV – “hole, drill”, MA’A – “to know, to understand, to know”. NA’A – “hidden”. 

DISKO – TIKO – “wet”. 

I will indicate some more toponyms from other countries, although I could indicate many others. But, in order not to bore the readers, I will select only a few: NORWAY: MALANGEN – MAARA – “flat part of the coast, suitable for landing”. NGE – “sonar (sound)”. SALANGEN – TARAKE – “ear of millet or corn”. VEGA – VE – “poor”. NGA – “group”. KUNNA – KONA – “space, place, spot”, LEKA – REKA – “nice, beautiful, pretty”. 

FINLAND: KOLARI – KO – “not”, RARI – “wet, damp”, “place that is not damp”. INARI – INA – “without”. REE – “triumph, victory”, “without victory”. KARUNKI – KARV – “seed”. NGI’l – “to dry up”. HAAPAMAKI -HAAPAE – “to fast”. MAKE-MAKE – “creator god”. 

UMEA: VV – “roar”. ME’E – “alqo”. A’A – “flood”. “To roar the flood”. WAASA – U’A – “high tide”. ATA – “dawn”. HANGO – HANGV-HANGV(Hangu) – “Forge, bellows”. KARIS – KARl – “narrowness”. HAMINA – HAMI – “loincloth” (Clothing) – NAA – “hidden”. ABO – APO – “Manana”. RAUMO – RA ‘u – “hook, hook”. MOU-MOU (Mou) – “to take apart, to undo”.

We have been able to establish that many names of fjords or geographical points in Iceland, Faoer, Norway, Greenland and Finland can be coherently and convincingly translated on the basis of the present-day Easter language, which was probably spoken in all these regions and in North Africa some 5000 years ago. 

It would be logical to suppose that these people coexisted with the Vikings, later separating from them to settle on the shores of the Mediterranean, in those times when the Vikings dominated that ocean from the Pillars of Hercules to the Aegean Sea. It is logical to suppose that these daring navigators were able to dominate only with the support of small colonies, generally located in places where there was fresh water, an indispensable element for subsistence and which obliged the navigators to disembark from time to time to renew their war equipment and their food, as well as their water rations. It is understandable that these settlers became fond of their new homeland, and so a population of blond-haired, blue-eyed ethnic groups formed in that region.

 The reason for the expatriation of the Vikings was the fact that the great kingdoms of Norway and Denmark did not tolerate the small chieftains, who were forced to look for new homes, which started the colonisation of Iceland, Greenland and even influenced the arrival of the Vikings in Vinland. 

Already during the reign of Emperor Charlemagne, the Vikings began to visit the coasts of Europe and England, penetrating inland along the great rivers and also into the Mediterranean. The German coasts were less threatened after King Arnulf the Lion (891) defeated them. At the mouth of the Seine they settled permanently, endangering the whole adjacent area with their depredations, until 911, when they were accepted by France and became the county of Normandy. From then on, the Normans adapted, accepting Christianity and with it the French language. The Normans even had an influence on Italy, which is why the French-Italian Normans were prominent in the Crusades. Because of the great struggles that took place in North Africa during the two thousand years preceding our present time, the mixture of peoples was very great, as the Muslim invasion brought about an extraordinary change in the whole area. Since history is not always faithfully written, the fates of minor peoples or ethnic groups that disappeared, merged with others or managed to flee North Africa, as did the Berbers and certainly some of the other nations, such as the Egyptians, Libyans and others, are largely unknown. Fortunately, the migrants brought with them some knowledge, including writing, and left behind some inscriptions that made it possible to partially establish the routes they chose. They were undoubtedly in contact with the Carthaginians and took part in their wars and adventures. The names Hasdrubal, Hamilkar, Anibal, etc., have a strong Viking tinge.  Apparently, all these peoples possessed in North Africa the knowledge of controlling the breath, or of directing it, as the Easter Islanders call it, when they pronounce the word HA. This knowledge was carried to the Far East (Chinay Japan) and perpetuated in the science of Hatha Yoga. It is difficult to establish whether this knowledge was brought by the eleven Berber tribes from the Sahara and Atlas region to India, or whether it originated in India. It is not to be assumed, since there were migrations from North Africa to the East more than 5,000 years ago, as I have been able to demonstrate in my book “RAPA NUl, THE LAST REFUGE”.

Chapter Three


The true facts, definitively proven, belong to the common stock of science, which they enriched. 


Of course, there was a relationship between the primitive cultures of Sweden and those of North Africa, as is shown by an inscription found on a rock in Sweden and belonging to the Bronze Age (1400 to 1200 B.C.), which has been commented on in Occasional Publications of the Epigraphic Society, Vol. 2, No. 34, Arlington Massachusetts, U. S. A. This is a really interesting event, since it shows that in those times the Egyptians travelled practically all the seas, committed to acquiring raw materials, diverse materials, minerals and probably minerals and minerals, and that the Egyptians were probably the first to travel the seas in order to acquire raw materials.This is a really interesting event, as it shows that in those times the Egyptians travelled practically all the seas, engaged in the acquisition of raw materials, various materials, minerals and probably, in this case, furs, and it is worth mentioning it. But there is some doubt as to whether this inscription may have been engraved by a native of that region. This remains in doubt when we analyse what the above-mentioned Bulletin states: “Albrectsen (1949) Hald (1946-1950) and King (1975) have drawn attention to the enigmatic appearance in Scandinavia, at the beginning of the Bronze Age, of motifs and techniques which seem to require direct or almost direct influence from Egypt or Mycenae. These influences appear suddenly, as if imported by someone, with no sign of gradual development in Scandinavia. But direct evidence of foreign contact is lacking.

It drew attention to a Swedish petroglyph engraved in the ancient Libyan letters and language deciphered in Libyan and Polynesian inscriptions in papers I published during 1974″, (Professor Fell, Harvard University-U.S.A).

 If we return to the fact that in the Nordic countries there are a multitude of toponyms which can be translated into the present-day Easter language corresponding to that used in Libya, since Libyans and Barbary Islanders apparently used it in common usage, we would have a first proof that these peoples may have originally set out from Scandinavia for the Mediterranean. The article continues: “This engraving bears an appropriate inscription in the ancient Maori language of Libya, written in the alphabetic characters of Numidia. The boats depicted in the petroglyph are similar to those depicted in numerous Swedish petroglyphs, which could mean that several or many of these may also have been of Libyan provenance. The observations are related to the corresponding cultural material of apparently North African derivation”. (Illustration N° 1) These glyphs deserve to appear in this book as an eloquent verification of what was said in the previous chapter: “The ships drawn look like cargo ships with palisades around the deck to keep the carua in place as described and illustrated for Egyptian ships of about 1000 BC, in the 21st Dynasty, by Landstrom. Such vessels are commonly depicted in Bronze Age inscriptions in Sweden. What is unusual about this petroglyph is the lettering that accompanies the ships” .

 “On the left side of the two ships are two large letters resembling the Greek letters Teta and Omicron. Diringer in his study of Libyan syllabic letters, and tables published by Fell, show that in the Libyan alphabet these letters have the meaning ‘B’ and ‘R’ (Ba and Ra), i.e. ‘boat’. Fell adds that, after these Iineas were written, Professor Fell found the word BARI on an ancient ticket purchased by a Greek named Makarios, of Cadiz (550 B.C.), for a journey to Tyre with stops at Tangier and Oran. This ticket was made of lead”.

 “On the right side of the ships are two other Libyan letters, Wa and Ma, and below Ma is a partially damaged sign that appears to be the spiral, the sign of Ammon (an Ammonite). If this translation is correct, the reading would be from left to right: “May Ammon guide (our) ships”.

“Amon is the name of the RA sun god who was worshipped by the Libyans at the temple of Amon-Ra, located at Amon (Ammonia of the Greeks) in Libya. The temple is located in a fossiliferous area.

Mesozoic where fossilised ammonites abound. The spiral-shaped shells of these cephalopods were considered sacred symbols of the god in ancient times. They appear as ornaments for the necks and ears of the queens of Egypt and Libya on gold coins of the Ptolemies, and Alexander the Great appears on some of the coins of his empire, bearing the aforementioned symbol, the horn of Ammon, the spirally formed horn of a morueco. At the bottom of the inscription, there is a solitary letter, PA, part of a word that was damaged”. 

 The most incredible thing about this true story is the following: “Blegen, excavating near Pylos, found the first illustrated tablet of linear type B, showing the figure of a tripod. Ventris’ decipherment, announced eleven months earlier, could be verified, since four signs were located next to the illustration. The four letters of the tripod were t-r-p-d, to be vocalised ‘tripod’. In another case located by Professor George F. Carter, we find the painting of a guanaco on a Chilean rock, accompanied by the Libyan signs wa-na-ka, together with the translation lilbia: RE-SU-BA (morueco sureno)”. This fact, which takes us from Sweden to South America, clearly shows how these North African peoples sailed across all the seas, peoples who either came from the Nordic countries, as I believe I can prove, or came from the centre of Europe to these places, as well as to the Mediterranean Sea and with it, to North Africa, where they remained for many thousands of years. If we consider the evidence of toponymies translated on the basis of the Easter dictionary from the Nordic countries, we must assume that their very distant ancestors lived in that area and then moved to North Africa. Undoubtedly, toponyms can remain unchanged for thousands of years, which has partially been the case in Chile.

Had it not been that the Spanish priests and the early immigrants insisted on naming various localities after saints, the number of ancient Indian toponyms would have been much more abundant. A further demonstration of my supposition that the Vikings and the Berbers were related to each other is shown by a mention in the “Occasional Publications of the Epigraphic Society”, volume 2, number 24 to 45, page 16, where under the heading Afro-Asiatic and African Languages, the following appears: “The designation Afro-Asiatic applies to the belt of languages which exists from the north of Africa. bordering the Mediterranean – Berber, Libyan Antique, Ancient Egyptian, Amharic and Somali and all of them with vocabularies shared in part by the Hebrew languages of Asia Minor, and in part by the Hamitic languages”. “South of the Sahara, in contradistinction, there are diverse vocabularies and distinct grammatical systems: they are grouped into Nilo-Saharan, Gongo, Bantu and Khoisan, for the ancient languages such as Bushman, Hottentot and others, many Indo-Germanic or Aryan roots appear in the Libyan language (naturally also in Polynesia), and these come from Anatolian, an earlier home of the Libyans. This assumption that the Germanic roots came from Anatolia may be wrong, since we know that the Vikings dominated the Mediterranean area for some time, naturally having their footholds in small forts, usually placed at the mouth of rivers or where there were wells. But it is undeniable that these languages carry within themselves Nordic roots, which underlines the possibility hinted at in this book.

Chapter Four



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