The Kabylian Force


The best student in the Algerian baccalaureate exam, Kabyle Larab Sonia, insulted for not wearing the Islamic veil.

The best student in the Algerian baccalaureate exam, Kabyle Larab Sonia, insulted for not wearing the Islamic veil.
On the Facebook page of the racist, anti-Kabylian TV channel El Bilad, Algerians are unleashing their unrestrained attacks on the young girl from the village of Thala Khellil in the commune of Ath Douala. Her only crime was not wearing the veil and appearing in photos wearing a Kabyle dress. Racist Internet users called her every name in the book. Racist comments were posted by the thousands. Sonia is called a renegade, a “Jew”, an uneducated girl. Shockingly, the El Bilad TV channel not only failed to react to this outpouring of racism, they kept thousands of insulting comments on their page.
They would have wanted the wretched perverts, these biggest obsessives on the whole planet, they would have wanted to see her smothered under a thick dark veil, dark like them and like the death they carry within them!!!! They don’t want to see a luminous face, let alone a spring bud, and if it’s a Kabyle spring, then they’re going downright mad, incoherent.
In any self-respecting country, the public prosecutor would intervene to put an end to this hate campaign. A large proportion of Algerians can’t stand to see Kabyles get top marks at school and university. Sonia, like millions of Kabyle girls and women, has the right to choose whether or not to wear the Islamic veil. She also has the right to choose her religion or not. Kabyle culture is not the same as Algerian culture in every respect.


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