The Kabylian Force

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The Islamic Revolution in the West

The Islamic Revolution in the West

The Islamic Revolution in the West

For centuries, based on partial documents and with a bias, successive generations of classical historians have held as assured truths the invasion of the Iberian Peninsula by the Arabs and the introduction of Islam in Spain by force of arms.
It is true that Muslims and Christians have put the same determination to accredit this crazy thesis: did it not bring to the former the satisfaction and the prefabricated glory of having been the strongest and to the others the excuse for having yielded only to the overwhelming superiority of the conqueror?
For Professor Ignacio Olague, the historical truth for those who seek it appears very different from the all too convenient secular legend.
It shows Spain torn, in the 8th century, by the civil war opposing supporters of Arianism to Orthodox Christians. And he sees, in the free conversion to the Muslim religion of the victorious “heretics”, a logical development.
It is in fact, all the Islamic propaganda at work, expertly orchestrated by the Umeyyad Califs of Damascus since the supposed preaching of Muhammad that is here called into question: rather than impossible military conquests, would it not be the fruit of internal movements of the societies which have adhered to it?
In this regard, it should be remembered that in the year 691, about fifteen years before the supposed invasion of the Arabs of the Iberian Peninsula, Caliph Umeyyade Abd-Al-Malik Ibn Marwan had built the Dome Mosque ( Qubbat Aṣ-Ṣakhra) in Jerusalem and decorated its walls with inscriptions where there was no mention of the existence of a supposed prophet of Islam “Muhammad” at that time. On the contrary, these decorative inscriptions mainly refer to the greatness and uniqueness of God, and do not mention Muhammad, the supposed Messenger of God at all, but linger on generic prophetic missions and in particular the role of Jesus as prophet par excellence, and allude to paradise.
This led Karl-Heinz Ohlig to contradict the official history of the irruption of Islam, rejecting its interpretations by considering that the inscriptions of the Dome of the Rock clearly show the absence of an independent Muslim religion in the VII ° -VIII ° centuries, considering on the contrary that it was then only a “form of heresy of Syro-Persian Christianity” which explains well the ease of the conversions of the Arians to this nth heresy.
The author of this work (*), Ignacio Olague, has set himself the objective to entirely rewriting a capital slice of the history of his country, spanning from the beginning of the 8th century until the end of the 14th century. He puts in all the objectivity necessary to destroy a disconcerting myth, resulting from the conjunction of unbridled fanaticism, of the most hermetic ignorance, of irresponsible negligence, of the most sterile conformism and, above all, of the irrational fear of being against preconceived ideas.
Well, closer to us, recently, a team of American genetic researchers carried out in 2019 a study of the genetic structure at the fine scale of the populations of the Iberian Peninsula today by genetically analyzing a sample of more than 1400 people living in Spain and Portugal, rigorously chosen to be representative of all the Iberian populations.
The surprising results of their study, published in a communication article in the prestigious British journal “Nature” (**), conclude that the Amazigh populations of North Africa contribute 11% after those of the French 67 % and just below those of Italians (17%) in the distribution of genetic analysis of Iberian populations, while the signatures of Arab genes do not even appear in their identified genetic signatures (<0.001%).
This result, as surprising as it is, scientifically confirms the thesis of Professor Ignacio Olague who, at the release of his book “The Arabs never invaded Spain” (Ed. Flamarion – L’Histoire, Paris, 1969) (*) was highly controversial and even derided.


*) Ignacio Olague, “Les Arabes n’ont jamais envahi l’Espagne” (Arabs never invaded Spain )(Ed. Flamarion – L’Histoire, Paris, 1969)
(**) Clare Bycroft et al., “Patterns of genetic differentiation and the footprints of historical migrations in the Iberian Peninsula”; Nature Communications,(2019)10:551. In particular, they state in the abstract (
“We find regionally varying fractions of north-west African ancestry (0–11%) in modern-day Iberians, related to an admixture event involving European-like and north-west African-like source populations”
Read also: When History becomes a fable: The incredible great Muslim military conquest : Part 1. Part 2 and part  3


  1. Comment by post author


    I present to you Professor Emilio Gonzalez Ferrin:
    Emilio González-Ferrín is Professor of Islamic Thought at Seville University. Emilio González-Ferrín is Professor of Islamic Thought at the University of Seville, St. John’s University (New York), and has held visiting professorships at the Vancouver School of Theology (Canada) and the International University of Andalusia (Spain). D. in Islamic Studies, his areas of research are Euro-Arab cultural cooperation, early Islam, Al-Andalus as a paradigm, Islamic modernism and comparative religion. He is also president of the Gordion Andalusia (East & West) Foundation, based in Seville, and principal researcher at the Seminar on Comparative Religions, a scientific team linked to the Andalusian Research Network (code HUM-709) in Spain. Dr González-Ferrín is the author of numerous scientific publications, including Euro-Arab Dialogue (Madrid, 1997); Documents on Euro-Arab Cooperation (Seville, 1997); The Remains of the East (Seville, 1999); Islamic Modernism (Madrid, 2000); Islam: Ethics & Politics (Seville, 2001); Qur’an: The Word Descended (Oviedo, 2003); General History of al-Andalus (Cordoba, 2006; 4 editions); Setting Course for the Renaissance (Seville, 2007); Al-Andalus: Europe between East and West (Cordoba, 2011); Abraham’s Anguish: From 1994 to 2009, M. González-Ferrín was vice-director of the Maese Rodrigo University College and, in 2018, he was scientific director of the World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES).
    The work:
    A work that will become the classic reference for those who wish to know the history of Al Ándalus. This is one of the most important works ever written on Al-Andalus. For various reasons, its historical reality was never adequately addressed by the official doctrine, which limited itself to repeating the improbable story of the supposed Arab invasion of 711. The author approaches, with surprising erudition and a marvelous clarity of language, the historiography of a substantial part of the history of Spain and Europe, but not of the Arabs. His theses, by innovative, catch us and convince us from the strength of his knowledge and the contrast of historical sources and comparative reasoning. Al Ándalus constitutes an irreplaceable link in European history insofar as it represented a fertile orientalization of the West. This General History of Al Ándalus is based on the naturalness of the historical processes, free of interpretative intentions. It assumes that Islam is the natural inheritance of Eastern Rome, that Al Ándalus is the son of its previous Hispanic time, and that the history of ideas is more subtle and comprehensible than the phantasmagoric invading chivalries of Berbers and Arabs, with which they wanted to cement a certain idea of Reconquest that in truth never existed as such. The role of the courtier and his calamus next to the prince, the natural decentralizing tendency, the cultural and scientific boom and the Andalusian urban preeminence insinuate a first European renaissance in Arabic that will be poured in centuries of cultural filtration between translations, wandering Jews, adapted Mozarabs and Mudejars in future concealment. Traditionally eradicated as an inconvenient Third Spain, the essential Andalusian component was thus added – together with Venice, Byzantium and Sicily – to the long list of forgotten European renaissances.…/Emilio-Gonz%C3…/dp/8416776180

  2. Racine

    The miserable forgers have used Greek poetic tales to invent a history of Islam. Everything in this story of Islam is pumped from old Greek literature. Even the girl who ’caused’ an ‘Arab-Berber’ attack on Spain is a story from the Trojan War

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