The Kabylian Force


The Amazigh Gods

The Amazigh Gods
They are not evil, they do not threaten anyone, they do not terrorise, they are our allies and protectors, they do not demand anything from us except elevation and communion with nature.
The Amazigh gods are wise and respectful of life, they guide us and make us grow, they watch over our lucidity, our love of the universe and teach us resilience.
Ifri is the protective Goddess, Gurzil the God of self-defence, AKuc the Sun God (Marakech, is an Amazigh name which means Amur n AKuc), many Kabyle villages are called TaKuct, because they are exposed to the sun all day, the word Lkuca (the oven) also comes from there. Anzar, the god of water, sky and springs, is the god who has survived for centuries and is still celebrated today in all Amazigh regions. Vihinam, the goddess of births, who accompanies women to give birth without pain, and others such as Matilam and Yunam.
All these Amazigh divinities are represented in this bas-relief which is exhibited in the Bardo Museum in Tunis.


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