The Kabylian Force

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Social networks: Censorship against oppressed peoples in the name of hate speech

Ferhat Mehenni * “The multimedia has pushed back the boundaries of censorship which were ruling within dictatorships before their advent. What could be more natural than using it?”

Two categories of people regret the existence of social networks and spend their time denigrating them and to pour their snot on users, accusing them of all the woes of the world.
Their first detractors are the tyrannical regimes through their spokespersons.
The second was privileged who had access to the media and who held the monopoly of public speech.
At a time when the Internet did not even exist in a dream, we needed to be journalists, politicians, writers or published authors, to make our point of view heard directly or indirectly.
Moreover, all that was said on the air and written on the various media, was not perfect, nor necessarily worthy of interest. Far without need. The information disseminated was equally questionable. Big scandals, false information, innumerable manipulations, have marked the history of the print and audio-audiovisual press. “The professionalism” of the authors and speakers “with which we are reminded of the ears and the journalistic deontology, have never been all risks insurance for the manifestation of the truth and even less for unfailing objectivity. You just have to listen to the radio, watch the TV or read the press, to have bloodshed, when, they approach the topics that you know well and that are close to your heart.
The confusion, the approximations, and the shortcuts, arrogantly illustrate the comments of specialists and experts. Therefore “information” called “professional, cross-checked and controlled” is not more perfect than that circulating on social networks. Recalling that the majority of the privileged readers of the 20th century had access to only one newspaper always written by the same people.
The advent of radio and Television have a time, expanded and diverse sources of information, points of view and comments. However, the production, formatting, and implementation of information had remained under the control of only “information professionals”, which did not prevent the dissemination of horrors and false information. As well as monstrous lies well written and especially well-targeted, “false information” has even made the fortunes of a certain press made by “professionals” and some unscrupulous authors. There are even some of them who have become TV stars. Besides, my purpose drives open doors. Opinion studies tell us that the majority of the population is as suspicious of journalists as politicians. When publishing, the list of “black works” on all levels and on all subjects, all kinds of errors, lies, priories, bias. We can not go through the entire edition, the list of grievances would be endless …
Today that speech is free on the Internet, “authorized voices” constantly denounce the dangerousness of social networks, accessible “to anyone! But if we look closely, we realize that they are mediocre professionals and guardians of small chapels, who fear competition from amateurs, sometimes more relevant than them on certain subjects. I do not support social networks at all costs. I do not say, either that their content is perfect and as “secure” as the professional media. I only say that they are no more dangerous than other media when they fall into the wrong hands and people with bad intentions. Hundreds of evangelical and Islamist televisions, many of them state-owned, are taking millions of people hostage and transforming them into terrorist apprentices while developing sprawling networks of logistical and ideological support … The “jihadist” sites exist, of course, but their audience is very small in relation to the televisions financed by the tyrannical Arab and so-called Arab regimes, to whom we unfurl the red carpets. On the other hand, it must be said that social networks have advantages that other “heavy” media do not have. It is the flexibility, the speed, and especially the accessibility to all ….
In the countries where the tyrannical powers control the information of the source until the diffusion, the social networks, acquired statutes of against -power, more than honorable and useful. They have become even indispensable to the democratic struggle, the social struggles and the denunciation of situations of oppression, both individual and collective. In revolutionary situations or simply political disputes, social networks have become the allies of the protesters and the weakest.
In some ways, they have helped to rebalance a little bit, the means in terms of communication between the weak and the strong. The information that until now was the monopoly of the repressive powers is now confronted with other sources, fragmentary certainly, but which makes it possible to question, the information produced by the official supports of the powers. That is why, whatever the disadvantages or inadequacies, the social networks, these must be defended. Their benefits are much broader and much more fundamental to the future of the population who are taken hostage by their “rulers” than the problems they can generate in some cases.
The first virtue of social networks is to have given free access to the freedom to express oneself for any individual who has the desire, whatever his age, his education, his wealth, his language, his color. And this freedom does not have any price. The way social networks are used is only a matter of education and responsibility. Which does not change other aspects of our daily lives.

*Who is Ferhat Mehenni

1 Comment

  1. Kacem

    ALGERIA: TORTURE, RACISM, VIOLENCE, HATE, IN GOVERNANCE.At the trigger, by scale of responsibility, Bouteflika, Boustila, Benflis, Zerhouni. The Quartet of Death in the Kalashnikov Requiem, identical to the one exhibited by this degenerate Gaid Salah. The field is fertile, the potting soil in secular strata of hatred and ordinary racism with it’s during the violence ensures reproduction. Just scratch and it grows.
    He is ghastly, he is pale, he drools, he spits, he erupts, he insults, he vociferates, he threatens, he vituperates, he barks; Indignation and panic on the networks, a racist Algerian, as we see everywhere now that hate and anti-Kabyle historical racism no longer hide, threaten and terrorize the web. He sweats hatred, his eyes, like murderous lasers, embody all the capital of violence and racism invested on him as on so many other Algerians by the Arab-Islamic power that made it a weapon in his policy of dividing the population. The quarantine passed, in front of a camera, with a lot of clumsiness he draws his Kalashnikov. He swears to “Klacher” all “Zouafs”, to understand the Kabyles, these children of France and Israel. Their fault is that they would spearhead the protest, the anti-elections of the “gang”.
    Far from overwhelming him, this individual just reminds us that he is the product of the Arab-Islamic school, the one that desocializes the child, far from educating, sow first the fear of the hereafter for then brutalize with obscurantist and racist sermons against anything that is not Arab and Muslim.
    Klachinkoving the Kabyles is not new. It’s even a national sport in this unethical and morally unhealthy country. This individual only reproduces the patterns learned since childhood. It would even hurt us so much violence is trivialized, an education, a culture. It is everywhere, in the aggressive gesture, in the envious and jealous look, in the arrogant and contemptuous tone, in the denial of the Other who is not Arab-Islamic, it is a capital to be fruitful, a behavior to maintain.
    From 62 to the present day, a mirror of history, hatred, and racism against Kabylia are inherited almost as atavism as we would say.

    The drop of blood, well after others, which broke the camel comes in 2001, Kabyles kids whose youngest, just 13 years old, are Klachéd and shredded like rabbits.

    The Death Quartet
    At the trigger, by the scale of responsibility, Bouteflika, Boustila, Benflis, Zerhouni. The Quartet of Death in the Kalashnikov Requiem, the same as that exhibited by this degenerate. The field is fertile, the potting soil in secular strata of hatred and ordinary racism with it is during the violence ensures reproduction. Just scratch and it grows. Everything that is different and beyond is deleted. The Mozabites, whose double wrong to be Amazigh and Ibadites of worship, have their executioners, these Arabs Châambas who massacred about fifty of them and caused immense material damage under the eye accomplices of the police and the Algerian Arab-Islamic gendarmerie. From the diplomatic diplomacy of Bouteflika in April 2016 “I am a real Amazigh”, hollowed out the desire to curb the independence claim after declaring in September 99 “Si! I say (if) Tamazight should become a national language, it will never be official … And if it were to become a national language, it would be by referendum, and it is all the Algerian people who would be consulted. “”I’m not an Amazigh” claims one of the contenders to the throne, 12/12/19. He has the merit of the franchise, he assumes his Arabity. Logic. A cat is called a cat. The referendum way. From uninhibited latent racism to the feeling of strength that comes from being in the demographic majority and from the good side of the Kalashnikov, Mig and the tank, Algerians are no longer hesitant to call for a referendum on Tamazight’s place, language, and culture. , in this bled. From Bouteflika in 99 to Gaid in 2019, the idea of the referendum has emulated. Thus, inevitably, Arab-Islamic colonization and domination will be legalized by the referendum vote. Only the minorities, especially the Zouafs, capitulation, submission, prison, genocide or exile will remain in “their mother France”, some are already there and some even become stateless or do their Aliyah in Israel.
    The Amazigh flags, JSK and Kabyle National Team jerseys, and Kabyle dresses, all the prohibited Kabyles signs, in addition to the Zero Kabyle operation, are ominous signs.

    The silent silence of the “empartisés”, the wet hens!

    That the Algerian press and the Algerians keep silent about these dismal discriminatory signs, the essence of a racist hegemonic policy, when in parallel they donate to a pseudo national unity, this Trojan horse, to better lull and seduce the Zouafs, that is logic is good war, but Kabyles serve as gears for this macabre mechanism is more than surprising.

    To deny the racist and segregationist nature of this repression by attempting to drown the Kabylity of the victims in a deadly Algerianity is shameful and unacceptable. Refusing to name, identify and denounce this anti-Kabyle racism as a pledge of acceptance, submission and integration by denying oneself of one’s Kabylity that one wants to dissolve in this Arab-Islamic Algerianity is to open a gaping path to the fascist policy of this junta which finds in the “empartisés” wet chickens.

    If since 62, this military junta leads catastrophic and erratic policies multidimensional, however, it has always been able to keep the rigid, authoritarian and virile on Arabity and Islamity udders of Arab-Islamic ideology racist, anti-Semitic and fascist.

    In parallel, it develops a destabilizing policy of all the structures of Kabyle society and all that can unite the Kabyles and make them strong, their Identity, their Civilization.

    Kabylia is in danger, we will never repeat it enough, and to repeat it, it is even better to emphasize that the hour of truth has come.

    Torture in Akvu (Akbou). Case to follow …

    Aussares the executioner of Audin left heirs in the Algerian Arab Islamic BRI who has resumed his methods of torture at the Gégène.

    On Sunday the 23rd, Mira Moknache, Khoudir and other peaceful MAK activists were handcuffed, beaten, tortured with a Taser (electric pistol) in turn in the vans of this Fascist brigade.

    These inhuman tortures with electricity are acts of a deliberate and deliberate policy whose purpose is to break the character and the revolutionary spirit of what makes our Millennial Kabylity.

    A single inhumane act of torture against a single Kabyle is an act of too much against all Kabyles and Humanity, whose Arab-Islamic military junta will be accountable to Justice and International Instances.

    Aqvu, the Sunday, November 24, 2019
    CLKI – Free Chroniclers of Independent Kabylia

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