The Kabylian Force


So says the Kabyle woman

So says the Kabyle woman
“I decided to defend the independence project of Kabylia. This is my choice, and nobody can blame me for this since I am in my most ultimate right to think of the political organization of Kabylia, my Kabylia my homeland.
I carry this feeling of belonging to a people, to a land, to a homeland. A feeling which has been transmitted to me through the ages, a feeling with which I am soaked by the blood of all the Kabyles heroes and all those who suffered from belonging to the Kabyle people.
By joining MAK, I decided to bring my strength to the movement, this structure of activists who carries the independence project on their shoulders.
I am a part of the movement, thus all who attack the movement attack me personally. Each crisis of the movement is a crisis that I myself have suffered.”

Mira Moknache

1 Comment

  1. Racine

    The Algerian court proves every day that it can and will crush the existence of the Kabyle people. In this respect, it has just sentenced the academic Mira Moknache to 3 years in prison. A sentence that does not affect the courage of this heroine

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