Brussels: Kabyle militants present at Kurdistan independence march
The address of the Schuman roundabout, the seat of the European institutions, experienced on Saturday 16 September an intense occupation by dozens of Kurds from the Benelux countries, in support of the referendum poll of 25 September 2017, aimed at the independence of the Kurdistan.
In a country atmosphere, alternating with music and dances, political discourse was introduced by the head of the Kurdistan mission to the European Union to underline the importance of this election and to provide the full support of the Kurdish Community , the day after its approval by the Parliament of Kurdistan.
Kabylie was present, by its flag and sovereignist militants, as well as the Diplomatic Representative of Kabylia.
The latter was able to meet and discuss with the various Kurdish leaders, including the Head of the Kurdistan Mission and the President of the European Kurdish Society.
France enemy of the Human rights and of peoples rights, genitor of the mythical Arab world is on the alert.

Emmanuel Macron and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan will study the possibility of a common response to the referendum on the independence of Kurdistan
France is a partisan of the State-Nation model, a hyper centralized jacobinist.
Like Spain, France is a trade to the nationalisms which they have named “regional” to reduce them.
Since Napoleon 3 France has been dreaming of a great Arab destiny and has always supported Arabism. Chakib Arselan, one of the priests of Baathism lived in Paris. And it was from there that he militated for an Arab nation united from the Persian golf to the Atlantic.
All these and certainly for other reasons, namely the dislocation of the colonial states of which it still has custody, make it impossible for France to accept an independent Kurdish state.
Especially that the Kurds will constitute a regional threat to the interests of the french reserve of money which are Saudi Arabia and Qatar
A Kurdish independence will sound the death knell of Arab nationalism. Encourage the Kabyles, the rifains, the Mozabites etc … It would kill the Arab myth and put an end to the planetary threat that is the Arab-Muslim world
This disturbs these interests