Ferhat Mehenni, President of the Kabyle Provisional Government in exile (Anavad) reacts on the terrible events that have just cast a pall over France in providing the support of the Kabyle people to the French people in this painful ordeal.
church of Notre Dame de Paris seen from the Arab World Institute funded by France, symbol of a crime against humanity
On behalf of Kabylia, who fights for its right to self-determination, the Kabyle Provisional Government condemns these barbaric acts and expresses its solidarity with the French people.
Beyond the carnage and emotion they arouse, the Anavad invites French geostrategists and those of the great powers that target international Islamist terrorism seriously address the causes that generated this dangerous phenomenon instead of dealing with its manifestations and consequences.
The borders drawn by colonialism have despoiled most of the colonized people most of their real identity. This blurring of identity markers resulted to allow Islam to surf above the artificial nationalities created by decolonization, and to supplant them. These are, most of the time, the same states which was created by colonialism that are behind the DAECH and Islamist terrorism. Algeria is known to be one of them.
To eradicate the medium and long term Islamic terrorism, the return of sovereignty over their own territories to the people who are still opposed an unacceptable denial of existence is a major security requirement. Every people who have recovered their sovereignty will concentrate its economic and cultural development, rather than promoting a fascist and destructive ideology as Islamism.
Thus it is urgent that the Kabylie emerges as a state on the southern shore of the Mediterranean to take its place in the international security arrangements for this region.
Meanwhile, in this current time, Anavad supports the fight with no mercy against the DAECH and against the serious threats it poses to the safety of people and for peace in the world.