The Kabylian Force


Mario Beaulieu supports the Kabyles in the House of Commons in Canada

Glory to Mario Beaulieu for his courage and moral integrity for daring to talk about Kabylia and the right for Kabyles to have their free will.

Mister President,

Under the UN Charter, all people have the right to self-determination or to follow freely their political status, both economically, socially and culturally.

The cause of self-determination is part of the movement for cultural and linguistic diversity in the world, Scotland, Catalonia, Palestine, Kabylia as in Quebec.

I wish to honor here in Ottawa, a major activist for self-determination of Kabylia, Ms. Kamira Nait Sid, who is president of the World Amazigh Congress.

On behalf of the Bloc Quebecois and the separatists in Quebec I want to express our solidarity with the Kabyle people in its struggle for freedom and recognition of their cultural and linguistic identity.

We agree with you that a just and peaceful globalization will not be through domination, but in respect between people.

Long live and free Kabylia! Long live and free Quebec!

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