The Kabylian Force

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Kabylia: the reconquista is on!

Each new generation of Kabyles takes Kabylia away from the Arab-Islamic Republic (1 meter, that’s enough every time). There are already hundreds of thousands of small Tassadit,Massinissa, Jugurtha,Taous, Aksil, Dihia, Ferroudja, Miscipsa, Koceila, Syphax, Yanis, Kahina, Aghiles, Itij, Thiziri, Chimci….
They are not first names, but particular signs that they will carry all their life. These are not first names, but persistent calls to conquer freedom and dignity. These are not first names, but permanent reminders of our identity. These children are now between 0 and 15 years old. Their names interpellate them and make them hear the voices of the ancestors. These children respond today by turn their backs on the Algerian flag and whistle during the Algerian national anthem.Tomorrow, they will be 20 years old. After tomorrow, they will be 30 years old. Later, they will have children, even more numerous, who will all be called Tassadit,Massinissa, Jugurtha, Taous, Aksil, Dihia, Ferroudja, Miscipsa, Koceila, Syphax, Yanis, Kahina, Aghiles, Itij, Izem, Thiziri, Chimci ….. They will tell you that their grandparents were fleeing in front of the gendarmes in 1980. They remembered that their parents were defying gendarmes and cops in 2001. They will remember that their parents were already talking about autonomy. They will remember that the only fight, the ultimate fight, can only be for freedom. The honor of being oneself, good or bad, that does not concern anyone. They will remember that the fight initiated by their ancestors can only lead to the recovery of an independence lost centuries ago. Lost not for lack of valor of their ancestors, but by the inequality of the forces.
Every generation of Kabyle covers their ears to the Arab-Islamic rhetoric, rulers or gurus. Each generation thus becomes a little more independent than the previous one.
No offense to Naima Salhi who already  defecated in her pants.

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