Kabyle Yasmine Amhis winner of the Grand Prize Jacques Herbrand (Physics)


Yasmine Amhis upon delivery of the prize, in the presence of Sébastien Candel, vice president of the Academy of Sciences (PH / CD)

PARIS (Siwel) – The French Academy of Sciences, which celebrates its 350 years in 2016 was awarded the Grand Prix Jacques Herbrand to the Kabyle researcher Yasmine Amhis, from the village of Tawrirt Mimmun in Lɛerc at-Yenni, at a ceremony held November 22, 2016 under the dome of the Institut de France in Paris.             

Researcher at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory (LAL) in Orsay, a joint unit of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics (IN2P3), the “Centre national de la recherche scientifique” (CNRS) and the University of Paris-Sud, she studied “beautiful” hadrons produced in proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland.

From the brochure distributed by the Academy of Science:

“Yasmine Amhis has made an essential contribution to the LHCb experiment at CERN with respect to the physics of heavy quarks. This area is promising for the study of deviations from the standard model and also for understanding the mechanism responsible for the violation of matter-antimatter symmetry CP (charge / parity).

Her major contributions in the fields of instrumentation and data analysis have enabled it to make significant steps on CP violation and the decays of B mesons composed of heavy quarks. “

She left Kabylia to France for her university studies, she early showed a great motivation for the research, which resulted in a remarkable scientific journey giving her international recognition for her expertise and coordination capacity analysis groups.

From the same village as the great Kabyle writer, anthropologist and linguist Dda Lmulud At Mɛammar, Yasmine Amhis is none other than the daughter of Nna Djoher Amhis-Ouksel, 88, teacher, author, poet, guardian of the Kabyle memory in particular and Amazigh in general.

The price Jacques Herbrand in physics, endowed with € 8,000, is awarded to young researchers under 35 years “whose work has been deemed useful to the progress of physical mathematical sciences respectively or their peaceful applications.”



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