International foundation » Gusi Foundation » has this year awarded the price of peace » Gusi peace prize » to Mr. Ferhat Mehnni under his struggle for freedom of the Kabyle people. A fight he has fought for nearly 40 years . The ceremony awards took place yesterday , November 27 , at the headquarters of the foundation located in Manila, capital of Philippines, in the absence of the winner .

In fact, it had no travel documents allowing him to go there, Mr. Ferhat Mehenni had commissioned Mr. Lhasen Ziani, project coordinator of the Provisional Government of Kabylia , to represent him. However, the delegation was representing the President of the Anavad ( GPK ) to Philippine finally decided not to go to Manila because of the absence of the Amazigh flag symbolizes the nature of the struggle for freedom of the Kabyle people . Indeed, instead of the Amazigh flag , the Algerian flag that was put forward. In a video sent to the » Gusi Foundation ,» Mr. Lhasen Ziani expressed the principled position of Anavad and its president, who was to receive the Peace Prize . Here is the message in the video we publish below.
Kabylian Minister’s Message to the «Gusi peace prize» Foundation with the subtitle in English
Ferhat, who knows very well the criminal nature of the Algerian authorities, had already warned against the genocide attempts they are preparing against the Kabyle people.
Algeria prepares a genocide against the Kabyle people.
On its official website, the Algerian Ministry of Defence has just made serious, nonetheless ludicrous, accusations against the Movement for the auto-determination of Kabylia (MAK). Without any proof, it accuses the MAK of preparing terrorist attacks. Based on the alleged confession of a certain H. Noureddine who is said to be our activist, it asserts the improbable. In any case, he could not be an activist of the MAK.
We challenge the Algerian Defence Ministry to give the name of this alleged “MAK activist”, his date and place of birth so that the citizens of Kabylia can verify for themselves the seriousness of the accusations against the MAK but also the enormity of the lie.
This gross lie does not fool anyone, neither in Kabylia, nor across the world. Fabricating indictments against pro-independence activists is a well-worn colonial specialty. France, in its time, had used and abused it after the peaceful demonstrations of May 8, 1945. Recently, the Algerian authorities have already tried the same stratagem with the Walid Nekkiche affair, without success.
Let us not forget the Cap Sigli affair (1978), and the incredible scenario designed in the offices of the Algerian Military Security (SM) to break the push for democracy and freedom coming from Kabylia, and which risked awakening Algeria.
After the grandiose demonstrations of April 20 in the three major cities of Kabylia, through which, Kabylia, like a single man asserted its right to self-determination, the military junta panicked and resorted to the terrorism card, which the MAK has always condemned with all its might, well before everyone else.
The press release which has just been published aims:
1) To scare and push the militants to go underground, but we will not give in to fear and repression.
2) After going underground, the government will stage attacks that it will attribute to the MAK in such a way as to set world opinion against it and accuse it of being a “terrorist” organization as it tried to do with its trolls on the web, its agents, and its relays.
The MAK and Anavad (Kabyle Provisional Government in Exile) are taking the international community for witness. They have never considered terrorism and will never be forced to do so. The MAK is in essence a peaceful movement and will always be.
Any act of violence, which may be committed in the days to come, will be CLEARLY identified as the work of the Algerian services. We will never be associated with it, directly or indirectly.
We are a nonviolent political movement whose policies are based on the right of peoples to self-determination.
Just because the Minister of Defence is threatening us does not mean that we will go along with its plans. We will not take the bush. We will use international law and reason to face the ignominy to which the Algerian authorities would like to assign us. Kabylia will be independent whatever the ferocity of the anti-Kabyle repression that will fall on us.
These threats do not scare us because we have nothing to be ashamed of and we want the whole world to know it!
These sordid and unfounded accusations seek only to give the operation code named “Zero Kabyle”, adopted at the end of August 2019, the bases of its legitimation to move towards genocide.
In the name of human conscience, I call on all the independent media, the democratic nations, the activists on social media to denounce this plot against innocent people.
I call on all international bodies to intervene as soon as possible before the irreparable is committed.
I assume, in front of the Kabyle people and the whole world, my pacifism and my unconditional condemnation of the use of violence.
I call on the UN Security Council to challenge the Algerian authorities on this genocidal plan, in accordance with the letter I sent them in September 2019.
We warn the Algerian regime against violence and its abuses. The International Criminal Court is already warned to closely follow the evolution of the human rights situation in Kabylia.
Long live free independent Kabylia
Down with the denial to the Kabyle people their right to self-determination.
Exile, the 25/04/2021
Mr. Ferhat Mehenni, President of MAK and Anavad