The Kabylian Force


Going personally supporting Kurdish in Paris, Ferhat Mehenni had, too, his share of teargas

Going personally to support the Kurd in Paris, Ferhat Mehenni had his share too of teargas from the french police forces who attacked the Kurd

PARIS (Siwel) from the french police forces who attaced the kurds – The president of the Anavad, Ferhat Mehenni visited in the late afternoon instead of the republic to provide support of Kabylia that the Kurdish people suffered a massacre in camera of the part of the Turkish state for several months. Ferhat Mehenni wanted to show friendship from the Kabyle people, its support and solidarity to the Kurdish people undergoing a large-scale massacre, facing both the barbaric terrorist Daech, state terrorism in Anavad and the complicit silence of states and so-called democratic media: “A shame, a scandal that says a lot about a lot of things,” says the president of the Kabyle provisional Government.

Video of the Kurdish demonstration  in Paris
We see that the French police charged the Kurds protesting against the massacres against them

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