In the twilight of their lives, a bunch of old immoral bribesmen on their way out, not without having previously bequeathed this “Algeria”, which they inherited from France, to their children and grandchildren, in charge of eating the remains of a country that is now in the hole, have decided to shatter the peaceful image of Kabylia with hatred, lies and defamation.
Conscious of losing Kabylia in the very near future, this soldier has started his policy of scorched earth and flight ahead. To accuse, through the MAK, the Kabyles of all political opinions of being terrorists, even if only one peaceful Kabyle is subjected to this ignominious defamation, is one too many; It is to deepen the process of detestation and racist anti-Kabylian hatred already well rooted in the majority of Algerians who are victims of the propagandist state terrorism of this band of thugs, but worse, it is this way to trigger contempt if not distrust of international opinion towards Kabylia.
This military junta is well aware of the disastrous effect of such a defamation that it has fabricated in its labs against Kabylia.
From Islamist terrorism and state terrorism led by the army, its security services where these protagonists have tried each on their side to terrorise, in a ruthless civil war where the turkey of the joke, the expiatory victim, was, first of all, the Kabyle people and Algerians without forgetting the monks of Tibhirine and many other foreigners, by ignominious crimes to better frighten and dominate them, this “Algeria” has been carrying for decades this image of “terrorist.
As a reminder, in the investigation into the beheading of the monks of Tibhirine, which is still ongoing, the junta has so far refused to cooperate fully with French justice, with the judges of the anti-terrorist centre in Paris, including Marc Trévidic, being repeatedly refused.
Doesn’t the expression “who is killing whom?”, which is still present in the memory of the international community and opinion, carry in itself or in its depths the admission of a terrorist Algerian state?
The terrorism of this colonial junta is multiform, and is not limited to beheadings. The political, socio-political assassinations against women, cultures and cults other than Arab and Islamic, economic and commercial by blackmailing raw materials, up to the judicial terrorism currently in vogue initiated by the poor potiche Tebboune under the orders of the worst kind of torturers and rapists holed up in the Tagarins, confirm if there is any doubt about the terrorist character of this junta.
An atavistic and immoral violence accompanied by a bestial anti-Kabyle hatred specific to this “Algeria” created by France. After the macabre post-mortem crimes committed against the remains of the Kabyle colonel Amirouche and Si El-Haoues the Chaoui, whose bodies were sequestered in the basement of the barracks of the national gendarmerie at the time under the command of colonel Bencherif and under the presidency of the torturous assassin Boumediene, depriving these valiant maquisards of burial in their respective villages from 1965 to 1982, and just when some people thought they had finished with these sordid and immoral crimes against corpses, Kabylia once again experienced the same terrorist scenario against the dead.
Guilty of having pushed the peaceful political resistance fighter Jugurtha Louerguioui to flee to France, where he died in unknown conditions, knowing that he was threatened with imprisonment in occupied Kabylia and finally sentenced to 10 years in prison in absentia, the military junta is now lashing out at his remains, which it refuses to see repatriated to Kabylia to be buried next to his father in his ancestral land, despite a burial permit issued by the French authorities.
Like a hyena clinging with its fangs to the corpse of its prey, the junta persisted in assassinating Jugurtha Frawsen Vusevsi a second time.
After having attacked the memory of Colonel Amirouche and Si El Haoues in order to deprive them of their historical legitimacy, the junta repeated its attack on Jugurtha.
Just as the Nazis worked hard on the corpses of Jews, using them to produce soap, dehumanising their corpses to erase all traces of their existence on this land, the Algerian colonial junta is doing the same with the remains of Frawsen.
Erasing his humanity and his memory from the Kabyle land. The macabre and immoral actions of this junta are an insult to the human condition where even the remains are not respected.
The immoral military junta may well have pinned its own definition of terrorism, expressed in the perfidious and obscure article 87 bis of the Algerian penal code (1), an article decried by eminent jurists, far-fetched where the peaceful dissident Kabyle political practice is assimilated to a terrorist crime draining accusations in cascade, mostly against peaceful Kabyles victims of injustice and arbitrariness. This band of thugs could not and will not mislead the international community, hence the categorical and contemptuous refusals of Western chancelleries to accede to its far-fetched demands for the extradition of Kabyles from the diaspora.
Fionnuala Ni Aolain (2): Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, commenting on, not to say condemning, this iniquitous Article 87 Bis (like the barrel of a Russian A47 Kalashnikov pointed at the head of every Kabyle), drew up a model definition of terrorism, based on international conventions and United Nations resolutions, noting three elements that “must be cumulatively present”. Firstly, ‘the means used must be lethal’, secondly, ‘the intention to instil fear in the population or to compel a government or an international organisation to do or refrain from doing something’ and thirdly, ‘to promote an ideological objective’. In the opinion of the experts, this definition “reflects best practice in the fight against terrorism”.
According to the criteria widely accepted by the international community, it is clear that Kabylia, unlike this terrorist “Algeria”, has not produced Abassi Madani, Mezrag, Belhadj, Zouabri, Belmokhtar, Bouali, the list is long of Algerian terrorists endorsed by the junta; Many of them are even military, service agents, FLN members or worse, ministers or former prime ministers very close to the Iranian Ayatollahs, kings of the car bomb and the Kamikaze method, making them terrible terrorists.
Are not the state terrorist crimes committed against Kabyle political, intellectual and artistic personalities and now against corpses, before and after this decade of the 90s, formal proof, especially since the majority of so-called Islamist (?!) terrorist attacks committed in Europe, particularly in France, were not committed in majority by Algerians or by foreign terrorists close to the Algerian Islamists that they knew in the suburbs or French prisons?
Besides, and beyond these terrorist facts that highly incriminate this “Algeria”, if this band of Algerian thugs “liked” or “cared” about Kabylia and if they were not aware of losing Kabylia and maybe even this “Algeria”, is it not suicidal for a State that one of its leaders or its media designate a part of their territory as a “terrorist region”, if only to justify its repression, This condemns this region and by extension the whole country called “Algeria” to be banished from civilised countries with all the political, economic, commercial and financial consequences reduced to their strict minimum as is the case at present, and isn’t the worst to come, this being already isolated on the international political level, where its existence is reduced to a barrel of oil and a gas cylinder?
The Algerian colonial military junta, panicked and frightened by the conflict against occupied Kabylia, which is taking on an international political dimension, is trying the scorched earth policy, now aware that in the very near future, the issue of the decolonisation of Kabylia will be raised before the UN.
The junta has not directed the few structuring projects and the semblance of economic development and even international sports events to the west of the country. More confident in the neighbourhood of Morocco, its external enemy, than of Kabylia, its internal enemy?
From a country identified as terrorist against its populations, isolated having exhausted its credibility and the trust of the civilised world, in the same way as Iran, Syria, Putin’s Russia etc… This hateful, violent and terrorist “Algeria” against occupied Kabylia and neighbouring states, is trying to regain its virginity on the back of Kabylia.
The vice and the lie constitute a terrible prejudice for many years, a ball and chain from which this entity called “Algeria” is not about to get rid of and to get up again and the scapegoat is inevitably occupied Kabylia which is already paying a heavy price.
1 -This is Ordinance No. 21-08 and Law No. 20-06 of 22 April 2020, particularly Article 87 bis of the Algerian Criminal Code: “Any act aimed at State security, national unity and the stability and normal functioning of institutions by any action aimed at (…) working or inciting, by any means whatsoever, to gain access to power or to change the system of governance by non-constitutional means; undermining the integrity of the national territory or inciting to do so, by any means whatsoever”.
2. – Fionnuala Ni Aolain: Special Rapporteur for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism.
CLKI – Free Chroniclers of Independent Kabylia
Belly and reason
In Algeria, it is not leaders of integrity without any reproach who draw up lists of people to be locked up, but crooks who have scenarios in reserve and who have tartufous judges as accessories able to provide them with a permanent legal guarantee. 335 detainees for opinion offences that Mr Tebboune, Head of State before the Eternal, qualifies as terrorists not on the basis of irrefutable facts, as is the case in civilised countries, but according to his cultural reference system. 335 hostages, regardless of age or sex, born of a people in which one of the founding principles is the exceptional nature of freedom, are languishing in the dungeons of a State that differentiates between those whose lives are sacred and those whose lives are not.
The judgements of the Algerian state are never detached from their context of emergence where only the warmongering codes of the Arab-Islamic sphere are precious. Its judgements can therefore not be freed from their own bias.
The Algerian state’s repugnance of democracy makes it take the Kabyle to the point of insanity, out of antipathy for reality. It is not the threat of mass embalming that provides moral and political direction, it is reason. Mr Tebboune, you don’t have reason and it’s not the fault of the Kabyles. Your lamentable efforts to fulfil your function as head of state before your suzerain, General Chenqriha, a Duce literally drunk on the worst sauces of fascism, are leading you down the drain. The little reason conceded to you by the generals remains captive in your belly in frivolous play with your troubles and your emotions. Among the adventurous, who better than the belly can direct reason?
“The womb is still fertile, from which the foul beast has emerged” B. BRECHT.
The Algerian colonial junta is in panic and general turmoil. It is entering its fourth year of political instability and economic crisis, without mentioning the other black spots that it is dragging. Insisting on these last four years is not to evade a chronic multidimensional political instability that this hereditary junta has been dragging since 1962.
From the Hirak, a worm-eaten movement, infiltrated from within by the different clans of the junta, united in the circumstances to save their “power” and which highlighted the internal political contradictions of the movement, particularly societal ones, in order to better pulverise it from within, moreover with success, which the band of thugs at the helm then crushed through repression by posing as guardians of a pseudo “Algerian state” in danger before the international community worried about its fall, To the point of sacrificing one of its own, Bouteflika – sometimes presented as a precursor of Algerian diplomacy, sometimes as a budding ‘dictatorial president’ – without achieving the political stability it is trying to instil in the image of a ‘new Algeria’ – a name that is constitutive in itself, a name that constitutes in itself, by perverse effect, an admission of an old ‘Algeria’ that is as dead as the new one, as it has been pointed out here since 2016 – previously plebiscited by the current vase Tebboune and those who put her in that position. A sacrificial act in which Bouteflika is the witch, the cause of the decennial misfortunes of this ‘Algeria’ created by France.
Unable to curb the exponential progression of Kabyle independence, an essential factor in the awareness of the populations of this country of the weakness and isolation of this “Algeria”, which has now been tested, to which is added the consequences of an internal political agitation that is worrying for the opinion and the international community, in particular France, Spain and Italy, The junta, in a panic, tries to restore a semblance of calm, represses and sequesters en masse, where even journalists and politicians – known stooges of the fictitious Algerian democracy – who are attached to the paw of the generals of the services, are arrested or threatened to serve as an example.
The comedy is over, the junta is playing with its own skin and that of its “family”. Hostages, torture and rapes, here and there, all to the hatch or to the gene pool.
The junta has polished its international democratic showcase, an election by default to the UN Human Rights Council from 2023 – 2025, a farcical new “Algeria” with a new constitution, vowing to respect and strengthen human rights around the world (sic) according to APS; a swallowed political facade with opposition parties mumbling in the void, even welcoming some of their leaders.
This week is rich in events, even if the ban on leaving the territory against the Kabyle artist Oulahlou was condemned by some, adding to the multiple daily hostage-takings of peaceful Kabylian resistance fighters with sequestration, a known Kabyle journalist – he would have lost the protection of a general of the services, himself deposed – is arrested like the Kabylians according to the usual fascist “Gestapist” modus operandi of the junta. A brutal arrest in the middle of the night that sowed terror among the politicians of the factitious opposition, the elite under the clan bell of the Algerian political microcosm. In addition to being the junta’s safety valve, among these opportunists of all stripes, in addition to the presence of service agents and their hooded infiltrators – an open secret, you might say – there are collaborators with the ideologues of Islamist terrorism whom they try to present as religious conservatives, now civilised, capable of “officially” integrating the manger of the mafia-like Algerian political system alongside them.
This passage is simply a reminder of the usual pseudo ‘condemnations and denunciations’ trying to give the outside world an image of a serene democratic political practice in this beleaguered Algerian entity.
From political statements to legal statements and soft denunciations of the violation of national laws and, worse, of international, supranational treaties relating to human rights, duly signed and ratified, by the junta, this ‘elite’ only gives a semblance of oppositional activity where even the term ‘dictatorship’ is banished, replaced by ‘authoritarian’, pronounced on the tip of the lips, more acceptable.
These repetitive statements, as if they were written by the junta itself to give a semblance of democratic political life; devoid of solutions and firm addresses or political ultimatums to the junta, sign their fatuity, not to say their complicity, as they remain at the stage of simple jeremiads without a future. The usual blah-blah in the popular vulgate.
Moreover, does the junta not boast of the existence of dozens of private newspapers and TV stations and, above all, of opposition parties?
The absence in the terminology of the factitious opposition of the Algerian microcosm, of the terms “dictatorship”, “totalitarian”, “fascism”, “forced disappearances”, “political assassinations”, “independence of Kabylia” and especially of the acronym MAK for Movement for the Self-determination of Kabylia; The latter, with its courageous anti-colonial frontline political confrontation, without compromise and without any concession, added to the internationalisation of the absolute necessity of the decolonisation of Kabylia, remains in their throats. The MAK sends back to them the image of their cowardice and their denial of the totalitarian political reality.
The junta has well seized, in this collaborationist sect, the cowardice and silence on the claim of the right to self-determination of Kabylia, although included in Article 32 of the Constitution, to better develop and exercise its judicial terrorism initiated in the iniquitous Article 87 bis of the Penal Code, criminalizing the political practice of this … opposition of command employed by the junta.
Are they (the elite and the pseudo-opponents), whatever their political ideology, not only sincere and honest in their political commitment to the respect of fundamental freedoms and the respect of the right to self-determination of the peoples they are striving to defend for peoples other than Kabyle?
Wasn’t it salutary for them and this “Algeria” to solve the problem of the independence of Kabylia coldly, serenely under the aegis of the United Nations?
Of course, this Kabylian Vichy collaborationist elite would no longer be of any use for this “Arab-Islamist Algeria” and worse for Kabylia. It would no longer be a factor of division between Kabyles exploited by the junta to better crush Kabylia. History has shown that collabos can constitute a reversible fifth column, hence the judicial relentlessness of the junta on this caste.
This strategy of denial of reality, well learned at the FLN’s politico-religious medersa, has aggravated the rotting of freedom of expression and opinion when the MAK, on its own, has laminated the ideological foundations of this terrorist, fascist and obscurantist “Algeria”, by deconstructing the fallacious Arab-Islamist ideological factor. The MAK pushed the junta to trick it into officially recognising the Berber character of North Africa in order to reduce it in the same breath, viciously, to a cultural substratum that is part of the Algerian historical heritage, perfidiously inventing the famous BAPI of we are all Berbers Arabised by Islam. To hear in hollow “we are all Arabs”, thus giving a way out to this decadent Kabyle “elite” which defines itself only by “we are all Arabised Amazighs”, keeping silent about their Kabylity, politically incorrect for their masters and their Algerian friends.
Thus, this pseudo “elite”, misguided, is not in self-hatred and in identity and cultural negationism as well as in the falsification of History by espousing the colonialist theses of the Algerian colonial junta which imposes on them the Arab-Islamist ideology that they pretend to decried in private to save face, they the Amazighs Arabised by Islam, an adulterated identity ?
Do the terms “freedom” and “universal democracy” have any meaning when they come out of the mouths of these false opponents who swallow their will and their free will, currently more worried about their own personal interest as the junta has decided to do without their service. It has found a more terrible replacement in the person of the docile and fascist boss of the national Gestapo, a descendant of the French colonial period, very comfortable in his dismal speciality of ”psychological warfare” trying to reverse the fear that plagues him and his masters on the populations of this so-called Algerian territory.
Some individuals of this Algerian microcosm, about 2000 people, having already grasped the magnitude of the reversal of the situation in their disfavour, they who thought they were on the right side of the handle and that only the dignified Kabyles are targeted, have fled to the West, particularly to the former colonialist, the tutor of this junta.
Anxious – for the moment – to preserve its commercial and political interests in the Sahel in particular, France only offers the status of political refugee to these poor Algerians. The image of France as a land of asylum must be preserved.
Like all countries in the world, “a penny is a penny” in this period of global economic crisis, aggravated by the war madness of Putin, supported by the junta. According to Abdelmadjid, whom it knows to be illegitimate president, France is preparing to let him sully French soil, tacitly reminding the fleeing Algerians of Lafontaine’s verse, “help yourself and the sky will help you”, who still love their colonial “Algeria”, even in exile, safe from any repression, to the point of keeping silent about the fascist excesses of the junta in Kabylia.
CLKI – Free Chroniclers of Independent Kabylia