Call for an international march of Amazigh peoples
in Paris, Sunday January 14, 2024
The Tuareg peoples of Azawad and Kabylia are currently, and more than ever, facing criminal violence in the form of mass killings of civilians in Azawad by the Malian army backed by Wagner’s mercenaries, and hundreds of arbitrary arrests and death sentences of Kabyles by Algerian injustice.
In the case of Azawad, as in that of Kabylia, the illegitimate military regimes in Mali and Algeria are relentlessly implementing genocidal intentions aimed at the annihilation of these peoples.
These abominable tragedies are taking place amidst the indifference and deafening silence of international bodies, the media and major human rights organizations. As if the life of an Amazigh person were of no importance in the eyes of the world. And yet, throughout history, the Amazigh have shown their attachment to the universal values of peace, freedom, dignity and respect for human life.
Faced with the unprecedented critical situation facing the Kabyle and Touareg peoples of Azawad in particular, Amazigh organizations and activists have launched an urgent call for a major march in Paris on the occasion of Yennayer, Amazigh New Year’s Day 2974-2024. The aim is to make the cries of distress of the Kabyle and Tuareg peoples of Azawad resound throughout the world, and to reaffirm our full solidarity with them at this crucial time.
We therefore launch a solemn appeal for your active participation in this march, which we hope will be grandiose and historic. We ask each and every one of you to relay this appeal, so that this demonstration of support for the Kabyle and Touarreg peoples of Azawad, and for all Amazighs, will be a milestone in history.
Everyone to the Amazigh march on January 14, 2024 in Paris.
Signatory associations, movements and personalities:
▪ Amazigh World Assembly(AMA)
▪ Amazigh World Congress(CMA)
▪ Movement for the self-determination of Kabylia (MAK)
▪ Imouhagh International Organization
▪ Tunisian Liberal Party
▪ Mauritanian Popular Front Party
▪ LIBO Libya political party
▪ Organization of the Tuareg Diaspora in Europe (ODTE)
▪ Union des femmes kabyles(UFK)
▪ Akal Tunisia Movement
▪ Association izmulen pour les droits des at mzab
▪ Kabyle League for Human Rights (LKDH)
▪ Tamaynut organization
▪ Alliance Internationale Tamazgha (AIT).
▪ Three-Star Movement (MTE)
▪ Association Azar and Alliance Internationale Tamazgha
▪ Kel Akal Association (Azawad)
▪ Association Tamount pour le Développement culturel et Social – Sefrou, Morocco.
▪ Solidarité France-Kabylie(SFK)
▪ ASIDD Cultural Association, Meknes, Morocco.
▪ Association Alamal pour le développement.
▪ Association Azaghar for development and culture.
▪ Association Marocains du monde.
▪ Ribab Association.
▪ Association Basmat Alamal.
▪ Dialogus Foundation.
▪ Association Franco Kabyle( Marseille) ( AFK)
▪ Association Université d’été Agadir.
▪ Association IMAL.
▪ Association Le grain magique Montpellier
▪ Association le grain magique PACA
▪ Association Solidarité Europe-Kabylie (ASEK)
▪ Association Kabylie-Suisse (AKS)
▪ Association tamaynut France
▪ Réseau amazigh pour la citoyenneté.
▪ Fathi benkhlifa ( president of the Libo party from Libya)
▪ Tomás Quintana: Association Azar and Alliance internationale Tamazgha.
▪ Tolba Mohamed Mahmoud [President of the Mauritanian Popular Front].
▪ Abdelwahad Driouche, Amazigh activist.
▪ Akli sh’kka, member of Imouhagh international.
▪ Ouzzin Aherdan, Alliance Internationale Tamazgha (AIT).
▪ Mano Assoni: President of Imouhagh International.
▪ Abdellah Bouchtart: Three Star Movement.
▪ Djaffar benmesbah ( Journalist and painter)
▪ Ahmed dougha (Vice-president of Libya’s libo party)
▪ Tenna At Ali : Artist
▪ Mounir kejji (Amazigh activist -Rabat )
▪ Hadda Khiraoui: Amazigh women’s rights activist.
▪ KAMEL said: State doctor and Amazigh activist.
▪ Abdellah Elferyadi: Director [Dialogus Foundation].
▪ Omar Ouzgane: President [Association Marocaine pour le Développement des Oasis].
▪ Belkassem Elferyadi: President [Association Basmat Alamal]
▪ Mohamed Mourki: President [Centre Marocain de Politique de Développement]
▪ Abdelali Errahmani: President [Association moshe Benmimon pour le patrimoin juif Marocain et la culture de la paix]
▪ Mounir Baatour [ president of the Tunisian liberal party]
▪ Jaouhari Mohamed [president of the coordination ait Ali lakhssas]
▪ Mohamed Elouazguiti [Amazigh activist]
Call for an international march of Amazigh peoples in Paris, Sunday January 14, 2024