The Kabylian Force


Berber raises from its ashes thanks to science

Archeologie Madagascar

Archeologie Madagascar

Decidedly the old Berber  raises from its ashes thanks to science.
While jealous and malicious nations after crushing it by military savagery, buried it, given its civilizational epochs to imaginary people such as the Egyptians, the Phoenicians and the Arabic. They have reduced them to that of a shadow on their lands, a vile mercenary ready to serve all the infamous causes their enemies find to make them play the role of a minion.
Here is the science of DNA coming to the rescue. Whether the so-called Punic civilization placed in the east, or the Pharaonic period, where cinematographic production sometimes insinuates that it is the Martians who are at the origin and the first people has surrendered to the Americans. This new science places the Berber as the central part in the history of mankind.

Europeans have always asserted that Madagascar has only been inhabited since the year 800, because they considered the African population to be incapable of sailing the 400 kilometers that separated the island from the continent during the ancient epoch. An archaeological team has just completed its research work : The Berbers were on this island 500 years BC.


Abstract By Tanambelo V.R. RASOLONDRAINY

This article presents the result of an archaeological study on the first prehistoric rock paintings site found in Madagascar and the rest of islands of Western Indian Ocean south of the equator. Based on systematic methods and techniques, the study provides groundbreaking archaeological evidences that contribute largely to the understanding of the prehistory of Madagascar whichwas not archaeologically known thitherto to have prehistoric rock paintings, nor human settlement prior to 8 th century AD. A Libyco-Berber inscription was discovered on the rock  paintings of Ampasimaiky Rock Shelter, in Southwestern Madagascar. Based on this writing – supported by ancient historical records, circumstantial archaeological and paleontological evidences, linguistic data, and to some extent DNA analysis results -, the present study providesminimum age falling in the bracket time around 500 BC to roughly 8 th
century AD for the rock  paintings of Ampasimaiky rock shelter. Furthermore, the study traces back early contactsbetween Madagascar and Northern Africa during prehistoric times.

Read the article by Tanambao V.R. RASOLONDRAINY in French

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