The Kabylian Force


Algeri forbyr NATO å bruke sitt luftrom

Algeries prersident Bouteflika i møte med Irans president Ahmadinedjad

Jagerfly av den internasjonale koalisjonen mot regimet til Muammar Gaddafi får ikke fly over det algeriske luftrom mens de prøver å nå avsidesliggende områder i sørlige Libya, nær den algeriske grensen.

Dessuten hevder Arezqi Hemmuc, ministeren for internasjonale relasjoner i Anavad (den kabylske provisoriske regjering),  at han  har opplysninger om militær hjelp fra Algerie til Gaddafi “gjennom skammelig våpenavtaler kontraktert med en av sine felles leverandører”.

The Provisional Government of Kabylia (Anavad) has learned that fighter jets of the international coalition against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi are facing a flight ban over the Algerian airspace while trying to reach remote areas of southern Libya, close to the Algerian border.

We recall that a meeting of the Arab League’s diplomats, gathered in a special session on March 12th, resulted in the decision to ask the United Nations Security Council to impose an air exclusion zone on Libya. This decision was disapproved by Algeria.

The Provisional Government of Kabylia also has bona fide information about military assistance provided to the Gaddafi regime by Algiers through shameful arms deals contracted with one of their common suppliers.

The Anavad considers that the closure of the Algerian airspace to the forces of the international coalition is a deliberate act to prevent the implementation of UN Resolution 1973, intended to protect Libyan civilians from the atrocities of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.

The Provisional Government of Kabylia which is in close consultation with the Libyan Amazigh (Berber) movement, part of the National Transitional Council, had actively participated in lobbying for international intervention in Libya.

The Anavad declares that the shameful Algerian position is not that of Kabylia and strongly condemns the Algerian foreign policy that goes against the values of freedom and dignity of the Kabyle people.

The Provisional Government of Kabylia places great hope in the operation conducted by the international coalition under the NATO’s command and the Transitional National Council to free Libyans from tyranny and to establish a democracy that recognizes the right of the Amazighs to exist.

The Anavad recalls that the time of tyranny and violations is over and calls the Kabyle people to demonstrate massively for its freedom on April 20th, 2011.

London on 28/03/2011

Arezqi At Hemmuc
Minister of International Relations

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