A few days before a new “working visit” to Algeria, the president of the Anavad, Ferhat Mehenni, challenges the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls

9250394-14767834PARIS-ALGER (Siwel) – A few days before the departure of a delegation of French officials, led by Prime Minister Manuel Valls, for another “working” visit in Algeria, Ferhat Mehenni, president of the Kabyle Provisional Government considered to be “founded on the claim that France has no right to conclude treaties with Algeria on the back of the Kabyle people.”

We publish below the full letter sent by the President of the Kabyle Provisional Government, Ferhat Mehenni, to the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls.

A few days before a new “working visit” to Algeria, the president of the Anavad, Ferhat Mehenni, challenges the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls


Mr. Prime Minister,

You are going to make a two-day working visit to Algeria on 04/09/2016.
Allow me on this occasion to invite you to share, time to this friendly letter, some specific visions that will lead us beyond the narrow “reason of state” that censorship in the French media, everything relates to the MAK (Movement for Self-Determination of Kabylia) and Anavad (Provisional Government of Kabylia).

Algerian-French relations are complex and chaotic since 1962. And France is the only country to believe in their possible improvement.

The weight of the colonial past is overfished to feed hatred and promote against the values that hinder everything that make the international radiance of the Hexagon; Arab-Islamism against secularism and Judeo-Christian culture, archaism against development, dictatorship against democracy, repression against human rights, economic strangulation against free enterprise, arabophonie against Francophonie …

However, it is above all about geopolitical and geostrategic considerations I would like to draw your high attention.

If, in North Africa, Algeria is the eldest daughter of French colonization, it has nevertheless been misconceived.

The fact of having annexed Kabylia to Algeria, from the battle of Icherriden on 24/06/1857, was the starting point of a dispute which resulted in the independence of Algeria in 1962.

Kabylia who never accepted the loss of its sovereignty claims to this day its right to self-determination.

During the visit of your Foreign Minister, Mr. Jean-Marc Ayrault,on 29/03/2016, in Algiers, a press conference was held with his Algerian counterpart who had asked France to change its position on the “Western” Sahara and to support the right to self-determination claimed by Algiers.

It is incoherent that a right claimed for the Polisario profit that wants to build another Arab state in Amazigh land is denied for the people of Kabylia, who wishes this with all their forces.

This aspiration is regularly repressed since 1963.

In 2001 the Algerian gendarmes fired on peaceful kabylian demonstrators, that resulted that nearly 6,000 victims were counted including 1,200 permanently disabled and nearly 130 died.

April 20, 2014, an eyewitness had filmed the scene showing the savagery with which the traditional manifestation of Kabylia was repressed. I join you in link

April 20 is the traditional MAK demonstration to remember the 20. of April 1980, when the colonial Algerian state had attacked with violence the kabylian people who claimed their culturel identity.

April 20 this year, the Algerian colonial authorities in Kabylia are preparing to hold a against-demonstration composed mainly of plainclothes police and notorious offenders to attack MAK protesters. We will place cameras all along the way to film the event and identify the attackers.

Mr. Prime Minister,

I am justified in proclaiming that France has no right to conclude treaties with Algeria on the back of the Kabyle people.

The geopolitical reconfiguration of the Region is, we believe, a necessity as is the arrival on the international scene of a sovereign Kabylie. This will be a natural ally of France, with which it already shares, among others, language and values.

It will necessarily be a stability and security factor, as it will cooperate in all fields with its North African neighbours and the Euro-Mediterranean.

Evoking Kabylia with your Algerian counterparts would be an act engraved in eternal memory of the Kabyle people and those of the region.

You will give back to France, a boost to its ambitions consisting in shaping the contours of a more fraternal world, peaceful and prosperous.

Pending this gesture, please believe Mr. Prime Minister, in the availability of Kabylia dialogue and the promotion of friendship and peace among peoples, starting with our own.

Exile on 04/04/2016
President Anavad

PS: I would be missing my sense of solidarity if I did not mention in that letter the political prisoners in Mzab (Ghardaia), headed by Dr. Kamel Eddine Fekhar (activist for Human Rights) and arbitrarily and in inhuman sanitary conditions in jails, for trying to defend against their deadly attacks orchestrated by Algiers and supervised by security forces.

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