The Kabylian Force



MUNICH (SIWEL) – The XIXth General Assembly of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO), held on 11 and 12 May in Munich, Germany, was marked by the active participation of Kabyle representatives, including the President of the MAK and Anavad, Ferhat Mehenni, Mourad Amellal, who was elected to the Executive Board (presidency) of the UNPO, and Lyazid Abid, spokesperson for the URK.
The involvement of Kabylia in the debates of this assembly was significant, with the presentation of several motions aimed at defending the rights and interests of the Kabyle people. These motions included crucial issues such as recognition of the renaissance of the Kabyle state proclaimed on 20 April 2024 in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York, as well as condemnation of political repression in Kabylia and protection of the environment in the face of threatening development projects.
Here are the themes of the three motions proposed by the Kabyle delegation, all of which were adopted by the members of the UNPO:
1. Recognition of the Renaissance of the Kabyle state and its admission to the concert of nations.
2. Condemnation of the political repression in Kabylia and the demand for the immediate and unconditional release of all Kabyle political prisoners, as well as the repeal of the repressive laws in force.
3. Protecting the environment and the people of Kabylia from mining projects, in particular the Tala Hamza polymetallic deposit, with a call for the approval of the populations concerned through a democratic vote.
These proposals reflect Kabylia’s ongoing commitment to the promotion of democracy, human rights and the preservation of its cultural and environmental heritage.
It should also be noted that Rubina Shaikh Greenwood, President of the World Sindhi Congress, was appointed President of UNPO at this General Assembly, replacing the former Foreign Minister of Somaliland.
All UNPO members warmly congratulated Kabylia on the rebirth of its state on 20 April, demonstrating their unwavering support for the Kabyle cause.
Kabylia’s active participation in this assembly bears witness to its determination to defend its rights and promote its interests on the international stage.
In conclusion, Kabylia, like all peoples, has the fundamental right to self-determination. Its presence and actions at this Assembly reinforce this principle, which must be respected and promoted internationally. By working together within the UNPO, Kabylia and its partners are strengthening their collective voice to make their legitimate demands heard and to work towards a more just and equitable future for all unrepresented peoples.

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