The Kabylian Force


The Algerian identity: a temporary identity

The size and the credibility of both the man and his struggle for his people, Ferhat Mehenni were acquired, not for his resignation and acceptance of a foreign identity, but refusing any crime against his people and the values that have marked the history of Kabylia.


16/03/2013 – 00:50 updated on 16/03/2013 – 00:05 L. ACARΣIW

Algerian nationality is defined by the Algerian regime as Arab and Muslim. It is imposed to the Kabyle people after decolonization that led to the end, then it has lost the war in 1964 against the coalition Clan Oujda (Morocco came from) and Bec du canard (Tunisia).

Beyond the legal and administrative nature of citizenship and the rights and duties which implies, in principle, it derives its legitimacy from the nation. However, there is no “Algerian nation.” If at least exists and does not include the Kabyles who are a distinct people. This leads us to ask the basic question: is the Kabyle people can recognize themselves in the nation Algerian Arab-Islamic?

It ‘obvious to say that the people Kabyle Kabylia is recognized exclusively in the nation, which was formed through thousands of years of history, language, culture and way of life with freedom and democracy as the foundation, social solidarity organization, established secularism of course it has adopted.

By inference, the Kabyle people can identify with a nationality that is imposed and who does not respect its identity. In short, the opposite of a citizenship values and his innermost being.

Today, people are forced to endure the Algerian citizenship that is foreign to him as a burden for him for over 50 years now, if only for reasons of passport. But, as written by the great leader Mohand Kabylie Arav Bessaoud (d. 2002) What nationality is experienced only as “temporary ID”, awaiting the advent of a State Kabylia.

There is the same for the national anthem and the flag of Algeria, who are also the injustices inflicted on the Kabyle people. We can recognize in writing in a foreign language anthem and emblem is definitely in charge of Arab-Islamic sense, but humiliating for the Kabyle whose values, identity and aspirations are alien.

The whole world knows today: Kabyle are a people in the fullest sense of the term. Any act to perpetuate the denial of existence is doomed to failure. Thus, the recent arrests of leaders of MAK or disqualification of the President of the Provisional Government of Kabylia, Mr. Ferhat Mehenni its “nationality”, we are inevitably left the years of a single party Boumediene and Chadli. Better! This will speed up the process of creating a State Kabylie clean only able to work for the welfare of Kabylia.

The size and the credibility of both the man and his struggle for his people, Ferhat Mehenni were acquired, not for his resignation and acceptance of a foreign identity, but refusing any crime against his people and the values that have marked the history of Kabylia.

John F. Kennedy said, “the great revolution in the history of mankind, past, present and future, is that of those who are determined to be free.”

And ‘this thirst for freedom and this eternal love for their people that Ferhat Mehenni, Bouazizi Ait Chebib and all the socio-political, economic and cultural, have athletes are determined to appease driving slowly but surely Kabylie to exercise its right to self-determination.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the free world who has an interest in providing support to Kabylia, the Kabyle people continues its inexorable march “in the sense of liberation,” as prophesied Mouloud Mammeri

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