Considering the Catalan, Flemish, Scottish, Welsh, Sardinian, Quebec, South Sudanese, Kosovar experiences as well as the emergence of new states stem from the old Yugoslavia artificially built by the communist dictatorship.
Considering the Catalan, Flemish, Scottish, Welsh, Sardinian, Quebec, South Sudanese, Kosovar experiences as well as the emergence of new states stem from the old Yugoslavia artificially built by the communist dictatorship.
Adopted in the national conference of the MAK executives on January 24th 2014 in Smaoun (Vgayet)
1. Considering the identity and the strong personality of the Kabylian people which were formed and affirmed over the centuries through a language, a culture and a civilization emanating from the great Amazigh family, a collective consciousness, a common history, a unique socio-political organization and an age-old and visceral attachment to the values of democracy, freedom, secularism, solidarity and respect of others,
2. Considering the historical reality confirming the independence of Kabylia until 1857 and that she was attached to Algeria in1871, a French colony created further to a colonial decree signed by the General Schneider, French ministry of war on October 14th 1839.
3. Considering the contribution of the kabylian people to the universal heritage, to the liberation of Europe against nazism and fascism and its diaspora commitment against the Vichy government anti-Semitic policy,
4. Considering the leading role that Kabylia played in the North African nationalist movements and the Algerian war in which she was massively committed hoping to regain her freedom.
5. Considering the Soummam Congress of 1956 consecrating the military commitment of Kabylia, in a structured autonomous framework (Wilaya III) beside the other regions of Algeria, in the armed struggle against colonial France,
6. Considering the exclusion of the Kabylity (Taqvaylit) and the Amazighity in general, in the Algerianity definition and the official discriminations, of all kinds, hitting the Kabylian people since the Algeria pre-war until now.
7. Considering the forced integration of Kabylia without consulting her people, in all Algeria foreign policies and in Arab and/or Islamic imperialistic organizations which are resolutely hostile to our nation such as «the Arab League», « Maghreb Arab Union » « Islamic Conference Organization»;
Considering the Algeria signature of agreements, treaties or cultural, political and commercial conventions with the said organizations,
8. Considering the Algerian political isolation of Kabylia, from the Kabylia uprising in 1963 till «The black spring» which plunged her in a mourning from 2001 to 2003, going through the « Amazigh Spring of 1980», «the academic boycott of 1994-95 », «the popular revolt which followed MATOUB Lounès assassination », the kabylian popular numerous protest demonstrations of which the most emblematic one took place in June 14th 2001.
9. Considering the rupture went through between Kabylia and the algerian state because of the systematic resort of this last to political assassination and to bloody repression ; and considering the use of firearms, each time the kabylian people expresses his right to equity and justice, his attachment to his millennium identity ; and this since more than half century.
10. Considering the kabylian people rejection of all the constitutions of Algeria said independent since 1962 and the massive rejection of different local, legislative and presidential elections.
11. Considering the reemergence of the Kabylian “Archs” as a citizen movement restricted to Kabylia and El Kseur platform of which the complete and whole satisfaction can be concretely achieved only within a kabylian state event.
12. Considering that each existing state in the world is the natural product of its people History.
13. Considering the Catalan, Flemish, Scottish, Welsh, Sardinian, Quebec, South Sudanese, Kosovar experiences as well as the emergence of new states stem from the old Yugoslavia artificially built by the communist dictatorship.
14. Considering
The United Nations Charter,
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
The Fribourg Declaration,
The international Pact related to Civil and Political Rights of 1966,
The international Pact related to cultural, social and economic Rights of 1966,
The peoples’ Rights Charter adopted in Algiers in 1976,
The African Union Charter for Human and peoples’ Rights
Considering the declaration of the United Nations Organization (UNO) on the indigenous peoples’ rights adopted on September 13th 2007
15. Considering the resolution 2625 (XXV) of October 24th 1970, entitled «Declaration related to international right principles concerning the friendship relations and the cooperation between states in accordance with the Unites Nations Charter » and stipulates that « The creation of a sovereign and independent state, the free association or the integration with an independent state or the acquisition of any other political status freely decided by a people constitute for this people the means to exercise his right of self-determination ».
16. Considering that Kabylia meets all the criteria required to obtain the status of a sovereign state seating in the United Nations Organization.
17. with the view to:
ensure the durability and the prosperity of Kabylia, as people and nation, threatened by the racist and denying policies of the Algerian state,
to put an end to the permanent and dramatic confrontation between Kabylia and the algerian arab-islamic state, The second convention of the Movement for Autonomy of Kabylia held on 9th and 10th of December 2011 in Sahel, announced the right of the Kabylian people to his self-determination.
The national conference of the executives of the movement for self-determination of Kabylia, held on January 24th in Smaoun adopted this project for a Kabylian State.
Chapter I: Definition
1. By his language, his culture, his socio-political founding principles and his past and recent History, the Kabylian people built his own identity and personality.
2. Free Men of amazigh origin, Kabylians constitute one people and one nation. The Kabylian citizens, without any exception, are equal in rights and duties.
3. Kabylia is the homeland of the Kabylian citizens. She includes the historical space of the former « Wilaya III », adjusted to the socio-linguistic realities of Kabylian country.
4. The Kabyle is the official language of Kabylia. The Kabylian School will teach in all languages which are necessary to the cultural, economic, social and political blossoming and radiance of Kabylia.
5. Education will be the priority of the Kabylian State. The Kabylian School will be a place of a scientific standing which will ensure a quality education to guarantee a good transmission of fundamental knowledge as well as the optimal development of students intellectual abilities. Through her attachment to the kabylian fundamental values and her opening on the world, she will contribute to the schooling and the blossoming of a kabylian youth proud of their identity, steeped in freedom, democracy and secularism universal values, especially as her values are easily in perfect harmony with the Amazigh identity foundations which have spanned centuries.
Chapter II: Values
«The sovereignty of Kabylia cannot be justified if the kabylian ancestral values, adjusted to modern and universal values, do not constitute her principles and her foundations».
1. The kabylian state will be devoted to the respect of Human Rights, regardless of sex, race, language or religion. Therefore, the personal status will be ruled only by egalitarian civil laws.
2. The freedom of religion and conscience will be guaranteed by the kabylian state. Secularism will be devoted in virtue of values of freedom, respect and religious tolerance, personified by the ancestral precept of « Jmaε Liman ». Religions and beliefs will come under private domain and strictly individual.
3. In virtue of its socio-political organization and the ancestral practice of villager democracy, the political system of the Kabylian state will be based on the universal principles of democracy. Democracy will rule the functioning of all the elected institutions of the Kabylian state.
The Kabylian State will consecrate the democratic freedoms, the alternating, the separation and the limitation of powers principle.
4. The Kabylian State will protect his citizens wherever they are.
5. Kabylia will be uppermost standing next to Amazighs, to other peoples of Algeria and to all other peoples who fight for their cultural, identity, economic and political rights.
6. Kabylia will be more open to Algerians and vice versa, Algerians to Kabylians, in the framework of privileged relations of state to state cooperation, regardless of the status which will be defined by referendum.
Chapter III: Of the Kabylian state
1. As people and as nation, kabylia will have her own state. The kabylian people will freely and in a sovereign way define his form by referendum.
2. Whatever the form of state that will be chosen by the kabylian people, the political authority will be practiced in a democratic, republican and egalitarian manner, in accordance with the kabylian ancestral values to be simply adapted to modern requirements. Instructed by his painful experience after the Algerian war, the kabylian people cannot leave one dictatorship to join another one.
3. Le kabylian parliament, democratically elected, is bound to respect the effective representativeness of all the Archs of Kabylia. Once elected, the parliament will appoint, in accordance with its political composition, an executive chief who will form the government in his turn.
4. In addition to the parliament, other institutions necessary to the functioning of Kabylia institutions will be created: constitutional Council, regional Councils, Archs Councils, Senate, Various bodies of the executives control, etc.
5. The Archs and confederations of Archs, dissolved by the French colonial regime after the uprising of 1871, will take back their natural place in the socio-political organization of the kabylian country. They will replace the Popular Municipal Assemblies which took over the «administrative sections of indigenous affairs » before the confiscated independence
Each village, each district (basic institutions of the kabylian country) will be represented in proportion to the number of their inhabitants through representatives democratically elected by the basic authority AGRAW/TAJMAAT.
6. The Kabylian state will have its own coat of arms, its own currency and its own flag.
7. In all cases as the outcome of the referendum, the competency domains of the kabylian state will consist of all the daily life domains; especially the ones which have to do with civil security, education, culture, health, justice and human rights, information and with medias, with transports and their infrastructures, with finances and taxation, with budget and with economy in general, with the environment, with land settlement and with the exploitation of natural resources and richness.
Whatever the form of the state stem from the self-determination referendum, the kabylian people will be fully and wholly sovereign over his existing or to be discovered natural resources.
8. Defense, currency issuing and foreign policy definition are competency domains which will be defined in accordance with the political status which will be issued from the freely expressed will of kabylian people after the self-determination referendum of Kabylia.
Chapter IV: Modes
1. The Kabylian state will be proclaimed after the referendum on self-determination organized in Kabylia, under the warranty and the control of international authorities
2. The form of the kabylian state (Autonomous state, or Independent) will be defined by the kabylian people according to the political status that he will have freely and in a sovereign way chosen.
3. The modes of implementation of the self-determination referendum will be negotiated with the Algerian state, under the aegis of international authorities, by representatives, stem from all the Archs of Kabylia, elected for this purpose during the kabylian national convention which will be convened, as previously announced, at the joint suggestion of MAK and GPK.
4. Finally, a Constituent Assembly will be elected in order to draft the kabylian future constitution based on the choice expressed by the kabylian people after the referendum.
Translated into English by Muhend Arezqi