Last night, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the south-east (mainly Kurdish provinces) of Turkey and northern Syria, amidst snowfall and freezing temperatures. Tens of thousands of people trapped under the rubble, thousands of lifeless bodies being pulled out of the rubble in a few hours, the inadequacy, or even absence, of rescue services in villages cut off from the world… The images of the earthquake circulating on social networks are difficult to sustain, but are we really facing a natural disaster?
If the earthquake is indeed a natural disaster, these shoddy multi-storey buildings built on one of the most dangerous seismic faults in the world are not, nor is the absence of an earthquake plan in these regions which have seen so many others. As one newspaper pointed out, we must not forget the decades of mismanagement, widespread corruption, nepotism, incompetent political leaders, capitalists who enjoy impunity… This is a massacre that was foretold. Why is it that human life has no value in these Middle Eastern countries where the rulers/dictators are above the law and the people are condemned to suffer all sorts of injustices?
While seismologists predict dangerous aftershocks that could shake these disaster areas for weeks, swallowing up other buildings still standing, survivors are trapped in the cold and lacking everything. Roja Sor, including those in the diaspora, have begun collecting donations of money and basic necessities for the quake-affected areas.
The Kurdish NGO based in France, Roja Sor – Red Sun, is calling for donations for the survivors of last night’s earthquake which hit several Kurdish regions in Syria and Turkey, killing thousands and levelling entire areas.
Kurdistan in the feminine
You can make your donations by bank transfer or credit card:
Earthquake in Kurdistan: This is not a natural disaster

IBAN : FR7630087335000002074770150
Soleil Rouge – Roja Sor France
Association humanitaire
Franco Kurde
7 rue de la Castellane
75008 Paris