Author: Kaci


Yennayer 2967, Ferhat Mehenni, called the Kabyle people to massively join the marches traditionally organized by the Movement for Self-Determination of Kabylia (MAK) in Vgayet and Tizi-Ouzou.

The President of the Kabyle Provisional Government, Ferhat Mehenni, called the Kabyle people to massively join the marches traditionally organized by the Movement for Self-Determination of Kabylia (MAK) in Vgayet, Tivurin  and Tizi-Ouzou. Tomorrow...

neocolonialism 0

Kabylia, Africa and French neocolonialism.

Before starting the conference, Ferhat Mehenni reiterated its support for Mozabites who have suffered abuse , aided and assisted by the police against their goods and their persons. During this conference , Ferhat Mehenni...


The ass without hair in the allah's land !!

How to recognize a moderate Muslim from a fundamentalist Muslim? It’s simple. Must watch their ass if it is shaved or not.Because according to Muslim scholars, it is recommended to shave thehair ass. Shaving...