The Kabylian Force


The World Social Forum 2016, Kabylia at the rendez-vous

fsm2016-2-768x216The World Social Forum (WSF) is the largest gathering of civil society to find solutions to the problems of our time.

Initiated in 2001 in Brazil, the WSF brings together each edition several thousand people taking part in more than a thousand activities (workshops, conferences, artistic performances …) on various themes (social, solidarity, economy, environment, human rights, democratization … ).

World Social Forum 2016, from 9 to 14 August 2016,

Join the largest gathering of civil society on the planet, 50 000 to 80 000 people, 5,000 organizations in over 120 countries and over 1500 activities!

Some examples of activities:
– Workshops – Major conferences – Artistic performances, exhibitions – Inspiring encounters!

Participation in the WSF is an opportunity for all social transformation actors to come together and exchange to inform civil society, but also to develop common and lasting solidarity actions. It is urgent to act and build another world together!

 Visit the website for more information

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