The Kabylian Force


Islam is an Arabic ideology in the service of Arab colonialism

In a document written in Arabic, and from the Algerian Ministry of religion (if not of the Inquisition), instructions were clearly given to imams to guide Fridays sermon, the 25. of March 2016 about “national unity”, “territorial integrity”, “support to the regime”, “support the army and all security institutions” … a Friday sermon that coincides with a public meeting of the MAK in Tizit Ouzou, Kabylia 

As this, the “Algerian mosque” is back in action and officially revives the “political Islam” and, moreover, at the express request from the Algerian state just “to block the MAK”; a popular movement in meteoric rise and discomfort in the completion of the depersonalization of the Kabyle people and its total and definitive assimilation to the “UMMAH ARAB” ..
The MAK has become an obsession for the Arab and Islamic colonialism. As usual, the Algerian state uses the same tricks: corruption of some big bachaghas , exploitation of criminals and political Islam … to overcome Kabylia. In the lap of the Algerian state, the mafia and mob are erected in social elevation criteria. Only those who have the nose in the bin room who can not see that nobody is fooled in Kabylia.

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