The legend reported by elderly people mentions a giant named “Faraun” who came from his country with his arms full of vegetation, he collapsed on the present site of Kabylia, from his head and his…
Category: Opinions
When looting becomes a means of existence for a group of people living in a community, this group ends up creating an entire system of laws that allows for robbery and a moral code that…
The debate between Alexandra Irene Larsen and Harald Olsen (two Norwegian intellectuals) shows that what Islam says about itself has never been questioned. Yet, for Muslims the Quran is something that was revealed and…
By Omar Rabhi Whoso does not realize the destructive nature of ideological, economic and religious globalizing institutions, or does not see the ultra-violent rejections they would provoke and the ruinous forces they usher in, or…
To those who claim that homosexuality is totally condemned in Islamic countries, I should point out a very Mohammedan shade in the matter: the “pointer” is seen as glorious male, only the “receiver” is perceived…
A Kabylian woman, in all her beauty. She puts on her traditional dress: the dress is richly decorated, the scarf with the yellow color that symbolizes Kabylia, her yellow and red-striped fouta tied around…
By Firmus The compass of the mind of a western man, and also that of more and more people living in other geographical areas, is tuned to humanistic principles, egalitarian concepts and philosophical notions, as…
His name is Azwaw Chekri. He is from Freha and lives in Canada for 9 years. On September 10th, this Martial Arts champion participated with his Montreal Revolution team at the Rickson Gracie Cup in…
Islamist terrorism comes from radical Islam, which itself comes from Muslim fundamentalism. The latter originates from Islam. (It does not come from Judaism nor from Christianity or from atheism). Islamic fundamentalism is being developed…
Earlier this day, when I visited a local mall, I was introduced to Trond Giske and Gunvor Eldegard, two members of the Norwegian labor party, Arbeiderpartiet. They, along with several other politicians, are currently promoting…