The Kabylian Force


A corrupt people.

Algeria is one of the most corrupt countries in the world (this means that corruption exists in all countries of the world). According to Transparency International, Algeria is number 105 out of the 107 most corrupt countries. It’s still one of the best countries among the most disgusting.

What can we expect from an uprooted people, dispossessed of their identity, their culture, their history, their language? This uprooted wanted and programmed can engender only a corrupted people (in the perverted meaning, transformed, remodeled, zombified). This people no longer has any roots in their land and have lost all their historical references, cultural milestones and spiritual references. It is a dead people (synonymous with “Arabized by Islam”), having a vague memory of its origins.
They have neither the will nor the courage to “reconnect” to their roots.
Hence this predatory mentality common to the people and their leaders. They are no longer at home, but on conquered land, to plunder, trampling, disemboweling, dirtying and reselling to the highest bidder. No wonder the desert goes north at a speed of TGV. It answers the call of the Bedouin who became the proud Amazigh.
This is corruption,

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