The Kabylian Force


Wake up, Kabyle Politicians and businessmen

The Muslim bestiality 34.000,- Kc / CZK The title refers to the “sixteenth-century Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno, who was tried by two Inquisitions and burned at the stake in Rome in 1600. Bruno's most representative work, Spaccio de la bestia trionfante (The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast), published in an atmosphere of secrecy in 1584 and never referred to as anything but blasphemous for more than a century, was singled out by the church tribunal at the summation of his final trial. That is hardly surprising because the book is a daring indictment of the corruption of the social and religious institutions of his day. The

The Muslim bestiality

As thought the Kabyles have not lived through pain and suffering for a long time…So I am asking myself how and why so many do not seem to see problems, either because they cannot or are unaware of what is happening… unless they lost touch with the native land.

Has anyone have heard of  Catharism ?

Cathars were a group of peaceful Christian peasants who lived a quiet life in the middle ages in what is now Limousin in France.
Although these people respected all the Catholic dogmas, it was that they remained a free people and it bothered the Monarchy (French) … and as the Epochof the Crusades were in full swing, the Cathars wanted to know nothing of this new phenomenon.
Although those folk were of a catholic faith they happened to disturb the Monarchy, through their free ways of thinking and living.
That freedom attracted the inquisition that struck them fiercely… and the Catholic Church pushed the outrage to encourage informers to spy upon them.
How many  betray a neighbor  by  greed  so as to acquire his property  we will never know!

The fact remains that so many good (Christian) cathars fell victims of the witch hunt that sent them to the stake!

Today, in the 21st Century I feel I have to ask whether the History will repeat itself … in our land, Kabylia.
Moslem peoples wherever they happen to be never quit setting bringing with them they disastrous ways: Be it in Algeria, Afghanistan, Irak, Somalia, Syria, Lybia or Sudan , they wreak havoc and do not spare any innocent creature.
For the last fifteen years we have witness what those barbarians moslems have done in Algeria. Today adepts of authentic Islam and you name it seem to target our own region, Algeria, Afghanistan, Irak, Somalia, Syria, Lybia. This brings about a new situation that may get out hand as worse as ever.
Is it normal that a tiny group imposes its rule with impunity on our people while the local authorities stand by … or pretend nothing is happening , willfully ??

I fear this new phenomenon get out hand and we may see one day a slaughter across our land …. And this is why I am appealing to  everybody’s awareness

First the local authorities seem wholly absent from the landscape
The people is at the mercy of those hooligans
The fear is pervasive everywhere and does not know where to turn to
And among the kabyle… for once I have notice that solidarity started to slacken!
In our local paper…. Not much is said!

On the other side of the border, through the press it appears  their government has sided squarely with the former criminals … who are singing cheerfully their return…

The poor people remains expectant … and what scare the most… is that those terrorists seem to have targeted our Kabylia !

The most macabre of it all according to me, and I see it in retrospect, is that in 1991… people saw those beards march past in Algiers streets  freely…with the press blessing
And to my knowledge never a politician came in the open to condemn these rebellious acts and the people never came out to shout its revolt on the streets either


Because it appears that the Algiers government   appears to be the instigator of those reprehensible acts behind the scenes.
As for us kabyle the disturbing fact, it’s precisely the silent and expectant people:
We must not let us lead to the slaughtering grounds
We are no sheep

It is time and opportune at that for our kabyle  politicians and businessmen , in common inspiration, that they  call upon our people to shout out its hatred for the extremists today not tomorrow… as tomorrow it may be too late!

For once in my life I am scared, I am scared for what the future hold for my (our) Kabylia.

Only a united and bold people can stop the Algerian Islamic terrorists on our land as the time is still on our side.

By Anzar

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