The Kabylian Force


The European Kabylia

During his stay in Algeria (1882) Karl Marx had expressed his  wish of linking Kabylia to Europe to spread its egalitarian and libertarian culture.
Karl Marx’s wish now seems to become a reality.
The EFA (European Free Alliance)  is an alliance of European “peoples without states” parties, some of which are regionalist other autonomists and other independentists, such as Scotland, Catalonia, Corsica, Flanders and Silesia among other nations. On the representative level they are the future of the political chessboard of a Europe sick of its nation-states.

The content of the agreement between Kabylia and the alliance stipulates that the signatories of the document will mutually assist each other and “to raise the voice” of the other where possible. It is a very good opportunity for Kabylia to find other channels of expressions and other tribunes to emerge.

Katowice on 31 March 2017

Protocol of cooperation between the EFA and ANAVAD – MAK

We hereby undersigning representatives of the European Free Alliance (EFA) and the Mouvement pour l’Autodétermination de la Kabylie (ANAVAD – MAK), agree that:

1. Understanding that for both parties the strive for self-determination constitutes the starting point for the development of any territory, this present protocol stablishes the basic elements for cooperation in order to help reach that goal.
2. Both the parties agree on the need to enchance the exchange of information in order to better understand the political situation at any particular moment, allowing a more accurate and effective reaction whenever needed.
3. EFA invites MAK to actively participate in events organized by the EFA, by its member parties and/or by organizations linked to EFA (f.i. R&PS). MAK should also invite EFA, EFA parties or linked organizations to participate in the events they organise so that a broad network is created.
4. MAK should call its people to interact and integrate into the communities where EFA peoples live by actively participating in the social and political life and, therefore, creating possibilites to share and reinforce each other’s values, traditions,identities and cultures.
5. EFA and its representatives engage to campaign and be the voice of MAK wherever and whenever needed. The call for self-determination for Kabylia will be addressed by EFA representatives in discussions, conferences or meetings where parties involved in the conflict will be present.
6. Under this agreement borth parties agree to interact and work in order to reinforce each other.

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