The approach that would turn Islamophobia into racism should be condemned for what it is: a blatant dishonesty

As I have already had the opportunity to write about in several other places, I am quietly Islamophobic. I have a phobia, a fear of Islam, and in simplicity this leads to an aversion in me to that ideology. Because it threatens me and threatens us all, because that ideology despises women and prevents them from living and because it prevents people from accessing democratic freedoms, because it cultivates and practices violence in countries where it dominates, and now throughout the world, because that ideology prevents people from living in peace and diversity.

My Islamophobia does not make me a racist. I respect Arabs, Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, Indonesians, Africans and other peoples who are not indoctrinated in Islam.

The approach that would turn Islamophobia into racism should be condemned for what it is: a blatant dishonesty.

Even when that approach is made by “worthy people” – in reality, very undeserving people – who sit on a committee called “human rights” at the UN. This committee has simply corrupted the meaning of the term “Human Rights”. This should outrage and mobilise democratic states!

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