Mairead Tagg The Kabyle case gaining more and more visibility on the international level through the efforts of Kabyle activists and sympathizers around the world who miss no opportunity to publicize the Kabyle people and…
Tag: kabyle
His name is Azwaw Chekri. He is from Freha and lives in Canada for 9 years. On September 10th, this Martial Arts champion participated with his Montreal Revolution team at the Rickson Gracie Cup in…
Islamist terrorism comes from radical Islam, which itself comes from Muslim fundamentalism. The latter originates from Islam. (It does not come from Judaism nor from Christianity or from atheism). Islamic fundamentalism is being developed…
Another proof that Kabylia is the cradle of one of the oldest civilizations that has known the history of humanity. The Afalou man is a Kabyle homo-sapien that resembles the cromanoid of the Upper Paleolithic….
Tusenvis av mennesker svarte på anropet av Janette og demonstrerte lørdag i Montreal for sekularisme og likestilling mellom menn og kvinner. til tross for at media presenterte Charterten som et brutalt overfall mot minoriteters rettigheter…
Av Saliha Hedir Hidden behind a green bush, shyly, hesitantly gurgling on the margin of a village, confused, singing on the edge of a street, hoisted on the treetops, in a steep place, difficult to…
Being Kabyle is not an ethnic matter, nor a matter of genes. It is a political, cultural and even civilizational matter. It is also a matter of democracy, freedom, equality and justice. Kabyles are a…
Today marks the beginning of the “apartheid week” against Israel, which actually lasts from 7 March to 21 March. Its purpose is to demonstrate that Israel is an apartheid state and thus undermine the Jewish…
Claude Goasguen, parlamentariker og ordfører i det 16. arrondissement i Paris uttrykte sine ønsker til det kabylske folket. Det var en stor folkemengde i rådhusets festsal i det 16. distriktet denne tirsdag den 11. januar, …
Linda Asmani nevnte blant kjente Fransk-Kabylske personer, Edith Piaf og Mouloudji. Mange blog besøkere kjenner sikkert til Edith Piaf. Men jeg synes at Mouloudji fortjener å være like kjent blant nordmenn som Edith Piaf. Lytt…