Tagged: algeria


Holy wars against Kabylia

Algeria has just closed another church in Kabylia, in Vujima. These  holy wars  in Kabyle territory is a serious attack on the values of secularism and tolerance that have been cultivated there since the...


Discussion between an Algerian and a Kabyle

Discussion between an Algerian and a Kabyle Algerian: We must kill Ferhat Mehenni and his supporters of the MAK (movement for the self-determination of the Kabyle people) without exception. Kabyle: But why? Algerian: They...


Greece in tatters

By Dda Stavisky If the title has scared you, calm down and do not worry – it is only a metaphor of a distant time. Greece is fine, so do not worry. In fact,...


The Path of Recognition

By Ferhat Mehenni This truth must be recalled, even though not all political actors and observers want to acknowledge it: Algeria is a colonial creation, viable and sustainable only by the dictatorship inscribed in...