Swedish municipality subsidises advertising campaign for Ramadan

Helsingborg Municipality is subsidising a Swedish association that is conducting an information campaign about Ramadan.

Ramadan is part of Swedish culture and we want to talk to everyone,’ says Imam Al Othman Tawalbeh. Muslim customs and practices must be known to everyone. We want to promote the understanding of Islam and that it is seen as an integral part of Sweden, like Christmas for example,’ he adds.
The Swedish municipality has paid €3,000 to purchase stands and other marketing tools.

While Muslims are met with great tolerance in the West, they show no mercy and tolerance towards others in the countries they control.

In Kabylia *two construction workers were caught eating during Ramadan by the Arab-Muslim police. They were arrested and put on trial. Not to promote understanding, but to impose Arab-Muslim customs on a secular people.

* Kabylia is under Arab Muslim colonialism.


: Dagen

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1 Response

  1. Ugle Sett says:

    Det samme med Stavanger Kommune som støtter en årlig Ramadanfestival.
    Norsk kjøttsamvirke ved Nortura sponser alt halalkjøttet.
    Som tidligere bonde er jeg ikke blid på at bønder ufrivillig delfinansierer den nå helt åpenlyse islamiseringen av Norge.
    Min oppfordring er å boikotte Nortura, heretter av meg kalt for Tortura!!

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