Shamelessly, the UN believes it represents humanity.

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The UN is losing more and more credibility and giving us more evidence that this is a forum for dictators and criminals. The UN is dangerous for peace, dangerous for the freedom of humanity, dangerous for the future of humanity. Ben Ki-moon is the puppet of those who legally organise genocide and encourages with his cowardice or his complicity the chaos that the criminals organise against their own people and strengthens the prison that is the borders arbitrarily drawn by colonial France. The UN must be judged. The citizens of the world have a duty to destroy this institution in the service of crime, in the service of large-scale looting, in the service of criminals and of their serious crimes. Through this institution, the dominant powers and their slaves who shamefully present themselves as our representatives, rape our country and produce arenas where peoples turn on each other.


Shamelessly they pretend to represent the world community, while in reality it is the syndicate of the big criminal league.
The UN has NEVER condemned Islamic terrorism, the UN has recognised Saudi Arabia as a rule of law and even as a model for humanity when it gave a seat to the feudal state in the UN Human Rights Council.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday called on Bamako, Mali, to take “concerted and urgent action to change the situation in the Sahel” where countries are facing political, security and humanitarian crises.

“We must go beyond institutional boundaries and support the region with measures both with political, security, development and humanitarian assistance. Now is the time to act,” said Ban Ki -moon.

“We are determined to work with governments in the region and regional and sub-regional organisations to address the problems of the region. We are determined to work with governments and institutions to help the Sahel, an area ravaged by drought. Together we can change this picture. We can help you progress faster. The Sahel can move on and on only if it remains united,” said the UN official.

He was speaking during a meeting with Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and several members of his government, also attending the meeting of several leading regional institutions, international organisations, including the African Union, the European Union and the World Bank, according to news reports.

In his speech, the Malian president said that his country was “deeply committed to playing its part,” emphasising the need for concerted action to address threats in the Sahel.

“No country in the region can cope with the crisis in the Sahel. All nations’ objectives converge towards the realisation of alterity: security, development and peace, because there is no development without security,” said Ibrahim Boubacar Keita.

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4 Responses

  1. Ytringer says:

    Ja, internasjonalisme er ikke noe for oss som vil ha våre egne nasjoner(folk) i fred.

  2. kabylia says:

    I dag 8 november 2013 foregår en forbrytelse mot menneskeheten i regi av FN. FN soldater i Azawad, skyter med kaldt blod en bundet mann .

  3. At FN mer og mer mister sin troverdighet er ingen nyhet (ihvertfall ikke i dette huset).
    Dessverre skjønte jeg ikke så mye av sitatene du la til ovenfor, eller snarere konteksten de er tatt ut ifra. Opplys meg gjerne 🙂

  4. kabylia says:

    Konteksten er krigen Frankrike fører mot tuaregene for å beholde suggerøret på plass.
    FN er her til Frankrike disposisjon.
    Sitatene er en oversettelse fra den artikkelen. Jeg hadde linket den under ordet “oversettelse”

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