Each year the non-governmental organization, Union of Kabyle Women participates in the worldwide movement which activates for early detection of breast cancer.
This year they organize a race under the influence of the famous artist H’Art Bell..
I still have my heart in Kabyle
Collective work “TuberAxixi by the Union of Kabyle Women” Pink October 🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️”Pink Canvas” Inspired by the recent works of the artist H’Art Bell, in particular for the slogan ” My heart is still there ”
This slogan, we wanted to use it for all women who have undergone a mastectomy. We know only too well the impact of this surgical act on the image that we can have of these warrior women, the body being brought to change…
They remain themselves and much more, despite this ”organ” which disappears in favor of LIFE. Their bosom may no longer be there, but their heart remains there.
The purple nipple on our canvas is meant to represent the nipple of a diseased breast from which flows a stream of glitter. Sparkles of hope.
A thought to all the women who are fighting against breast cancer.
Your scars are war wounds! You fight to live! You are warriors!

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Long live the Kabyle Women
The Union of Kabyle Women