Islam is a part of Norway

The West is patient. It endeavours to preserve its ethical values, dearly acquired against the stupidity of its own past, even if part of the population of foreign origin tries to impose its current stupidity. The West believes that Muslims have simply not packed their bags well when moving to a free country.
Filled with Judeo-Christian secularised values, Westerners think that these fanatical Muslims will eventually find their way to heart and reason. What do the Western people say?
Forgive them, for they know not what they do. In the meantime, love them anyway. Put in place social institutions, social services, media, scientists, places of worship, schools, counselling, hire people to represent them and to carry their demands, considered legitimate, to the elected officials and civil society. Give them even more evidence that we are in good faith. Our citizens will understand when they are called racists. All this is only temporary.
Do Muslims see things from this angle? Unfortunately they don’t. They are fuelling contradictions and societal conflicts for a purpose that is hidden in the texts of their religion. Patience and restraint of others is interpreted by Islamists as a sign of weakness. Seeing no hostility towards them in Western countries, they feel strong, swell with euphoria, multiply provocations to create this very hostility, then use it to justify their violence (verbal and real) against Western values. They feel unstoppable, openly recruiting new fighters, thinking that victory is imminent.
It’s exactly the same tactic they used against the Jews. It is obvious: Muslims believe, without realising it, that Europe, Israel and the United States are inherently Muslim territories occupied by infidels and idolaters. Their entire culture is steeped in jihadist thought assimilated over the centuries. This is also true for Asia and the rest of the world. But they go in phases.
The reality is that they will be beaten to a pulp like ordinary Nazis.

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1 Response

  1. Ugle Sett says:

    Det er ikke annen råd.
    ,,Dialog,, er bare å gi islam mer fotfeste dag for dag.
    Tiden er inne for å slå tilbake.
    Når det gjalt nazismen, så våknet saueflokken altfor sent.
    De skal slås sønder og sammen med alle tilgjengelige midler.
    Når det kommer til stykket er de kun feige skjeggaper som renner rundt i laken og prøver å skremme livskiten ut av oss andre.
    Churchill var meget, meget kritisk til islam og dro paraleller til nazismen.

  1. 17 February 2010

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