Hirak of Rif: A historic event in Brussels

At the call of the Rifan activists settled in Europe, an impressive demonstration was organized Wednesday in Brussels, Belgium, to demand the release of the political prisoners of Hirak.

The demonstration, which took place in the form of a march and then a static gathering in front of the seat of the European Parliament, was marked by the participation of mr. Abdessadek El Bouchattaoui, member of the collective of defense of the detainees of Hirak, Ahmed Zefzafi, father Nasser Zefzafi and Houda Sekkaki, wife of prisoner Habib El Hannoudi.

Just as a reminder, the moroccan kingdom keeps hundreds of Rifan activists locked up in prison where they are being tortured. Men, women and even young children under 12 years are political prisoners in this kingdom which is under protection of Europe and NATO.
Source : Rifonline.ne

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