Hifad Agrrame: France will be destroyed by the Arabs and Islam

The poison of Arabization and Islamization which France has made the Moroccan people to swallow for a whole century, now begins to consume it in the same way, in spite of itself, in a passive manner, their hands bound by invisible steel chains, thanks to the force of repetition or symmetry which must judge, reward or punish the facts of its initials of the last century, to balance, purify and annihilate them definitively.

France will be destroyed by the Arabs and Islam, just as it has used them to destroy other peoples since Napoleon III. It is inevitable and fatal. What you do to others will be done sooner or later, here and now, fear yourself, yourself!

Mohammed Hifad Agrrame – August 29, 2016

Mohammed Hifad Agrrame, former teacher of French and trainer at the Training Center of the Teachers (CFI) of Essaouira (Morocco).

Author essayist Amina or the force of symmetry Paris April 1989 – The system of symmetry or eventmentialism, European University Editions April 2015

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