Everyone hates this bird called the cuckoo

bird called the cuckoo

I am flayed, outraged and disgusted by the lies and hateful methods used by the Arab-Islamist ideology to establish its hegemony over the peoples of North Africa once and for all. Everyone hates this bird called the cuckoo, not because it is a bird, but because it uses a hated subterfuge to reproduce on the backs of other birds. That’s its nature, all right, but then it’s a hateful nature. a diffuse anger has invaded my whole life. Spending a lifetime in silence and bathed in the silence of my people inevitably leads to this form of revolt. Arab-Islamism has succeeded in creating a cultural atmosphere of insecurity that has gagged our people for centuries. Suffering collectively in silence is the most intolerable form of torture, because each of us becomes the mirror of the other. Mohand u yahia used to say: Cebbekna& sia w sia, erana& akw tidima, yiwen ur yezmir ad yer negta. (They’ve tied us up all over, put the lids back on us, no one can breathe a sigh). It’s ridiculous to expect a prison population to be courteous and politically correct with their jailers! Being courteous to Arab-Islamists is the least of my worries. I don’t engage in any commercial, political, economic, cultural or religious transactions with Arabo-Islamism in order to treat it as a partner. The Kabyle who believe they have any interest in being conciliatory with the ideology that dominates, erases and acculturates them are completely mistaken. They have certainly come to believe that the only way to preserve their identity and culture is not to irritate the monster too much. A submissive and resigned attitude, disguised as a sanctimonious and correct attitude. It doesn’t fool anyone. I only respect what is respectable and what respects me. An ideology whose sole aim is to supplant Amazighness in North Africa is, in my view, abhorrent and must be fought tooth and nail. This is resistance in its noblest expression and nothing will make me feel guilty about it. Izlamism, spelt with 2Z, is a brilliant Kabyle invention. I use it!
There is a widespread idea that Muslim believers must never be offended by others. He must lead a quiet, cushy life, sheltered from the discomforts of public and intellectual life. So it is our duty to look after Muslims only because they believe. The fact that he believes in a hateful ideology in no way makes him responsible for the misdeeds caused by that ideology. So we are led to believe that religious belief is a biological function independent of the believer’s will. For ecological reasons, just as we must protect animal species threatened with extinction, we must also keep an intact population of Muslim believers in a protected intellectual park, safe from all criticism and all accusations of violating human rights and the rights of peoples. Defending ourselves against this devastating ideology that decimates cultures and identities is perceived as an intolerant and nasty attitude. Sorry about that! At the risk of appearing to be an ‘Islamophobe’ (which, incidentally, I claim to be, and with good reason!!), I will say what I think and what I see about this doctrine that wants to make my people look like a mere uncultured, ignorant and uncivilised tribe to be urgently taken care of by criminal Arab-Islamism. Let those who wish to negotiate with their executioners do so. They will have neither the security nor the dignity of free men, nor the freedom to be themselves. Izzlamism, on the other hand, negotiates nothing. It wipes the slate clean, settles in and is maintained by the conquered populations. The way to defend ourselves against this scourge is to fight it head-on, not to prevaricate, prevaricate and prevaricate. We must reject this ideology expressly and without hesitation. Most anti-Islamic militants have understood that this religion carries with it centuries of slavery, indoctrination, pressure of all kinds and so on. Opening our arms to Arab-Islamism would guarantee our disappearance as a people and a culture. Intellectual and psychological considerations have no place in the urgency of the situation. The fact that people are giving in out of fear is something we see every day. There is nothing new to understand. The only salutary slogan is: NO TO ARABO-ISALAMISM. Full stop! Fighting the whole package of ideas, beliefs, obscurantism, and totalitarianism conveyed by this ideology is the only thing to do. It doesn’t matter that there are Kabyle people who defend this ideology. It’s all the more reason to denounce it outright, because it proves that we are right to accuse this doctrine of indoctrinating and enlisting our brothers to put them at its service, and therefore against us. Personally, I don’t believe in the imperative union of all Kabyle people to repel Arab-Islamism. Unity is always the result of compromise, of indirect negotiation between ‘warm people’, ‘lukewarm people’ and ‘cold people’. In such a consensus, the union will be less determined than its most determined fringe. When the Kabyle people had only the Kabyle language at their disposal, the struggle was practically invisible (both internally and externally). The most effective militants, the most committed and the most intelligible, have always been French speakers. They could have been Anglophones, Germanophones or others. It simply happens that the Kabyle people have been closer to the French language and culture. It’s not for nothing that the Arab-Islamists reproach the Kabyle people for not using their language in their identity struggle. They know full well that they have had time to do the job of stripping the Imazighen of their language and a large part of their culture. In a word, they have tied us up with our hands behind our backs, and then they reproach us for not using our hands to untie ourselves. If we don’t use the Kabyle language much in our struggle, it’s precisely because we no longer have a full command of it, because the Arab-Islamists have tried to impose their language on us. Our struggle is also about liberating our language, making it our own and equipping it with the tools we need to promote it, modernise it, revive it, disseminate it and use it rigorously and accurately on a daily basis.

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