The Kabylian Force

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Eid, the day when hatred begins

By Arilés
Eid, the day when hatred begins
The feast of Eid is a day of reconciliation for the Muslim world, a day when all problems are put aside to make way for the true values of the human being as Allah would have instilled them. The smiles are more frequent. Oops, I was dreaming! Excuse me, I often have utopian dreams and this Muslim masquerade was one of them. How naive I am!

An air of déjà vu
We have to go back to the time of Abraham, the father or rather the older brother of all the prophets and messengers of Allah, the God of the Arabized and those deceived by this ideological movement, who prepared to slit his son’s throat in the name of this same God, because God is great and only his wish is paramount. By way of comparison, in 1995 in France, the Templar sect became infamous for the suicide of all its members, who took their own lives on the orders of their guru, who promised them a better world. What is the difference between these two acts? The Muslim god had the same intentions, to kill and take life. But Allah is merciful, he sent an angel to bring a sheep to his messenger to spare him the life of his son. What mercy!

This has given rise to a tradition of slaughtering a sheep every year in memory of this “holy man”. Could there be a commercial interest behind all this invention? We all know that marketing was invented long ago, and that since the dawn of time, people have drawn attention to themselves, just as the Greeks and Romans did. But this is just the beginning of a very long story of stupidity on the part of sheep – excuse me, my keyboard is getting the better of me, I meant Muslims.

Why turn this basically commercial act into a symbol and a call to murder? Yes, that’s right, murder and hatred are at the very heart of Islam. Islam and hatred are synonymous!

No credibility
The question we need to ask ourselves is how this sect called Islam was able to survive, and worse, occupy vast territories? Mohamet, the last rassollah (messenger in Arabic esperanto) once said, “Allah has spoken to me”. Well, Rael, at least he didn’t have this imaginary claim to divinity, he only confessed to talking to aliens.

How can you believe in a religion when you know that its messenger is guilty of over 600 murders? Mohamet slit the throats of an entire tribe that had surrendered. How can we believe in a religion when we know that its messenger is guilty of paedophilia on a 9-year-old girl, after having married her at the age of 6. How can you believe in a messenger who declares his hatred of the Jews when he himself had sexual relations with Jewish women, after having kidnapped them (what we call rape)! Whereas the Hebrew people have always lived in perfect harmony with everyone else, practising their trade with sincerity. How can you convert to Islam and betray your soul when you know that the Koran, their holy book, incites nothing but hatred?

Yet Muslims are afraid, and can be trusted to keep their prisoners in an intellectual coma. No Arab-Muslim nation, or Muslim nation for that matter, recognises other religions on their soil, while the most civilised nations such as France, Germany, England etc. welcome them with open arms and fraternity. A woman carrying a Bible was arrested in Algeria, two young men suspected of homosexuality were hanged in Iran, a rebellious young girl was shot in Somalia, a woman drinking alcohol was flogged in Malaysia, a group of infidels were hanged in a football ground to the applause of an ecstatic crowd. Unfortunately, the examples are endless.

Eid is just one day of rest in the whole year:
So when will these rappers, singers, artists and refugees who benefit from the hospitality of Western nations stop barking and inciting hatred? Because let’s put things in context: Eid is just a day of rest, because the rest of the year is all about wars, massacres, crimes against humanity, deceit, theft, rape, racism and contempt. This association of evil-doers also bans music! Music is life, the breath of life. To ban melodious sounds is to work for the reign of death!

And that’s not to mention the offensive and defensive behaviour as soon as the image or caricature of Mohammed is used. Caricatures of Jesus and the Jews appear every day, and the Church is constantly criticised, but all this is seen from a secular point of view. Because in a self-respecting country, that’s called freedom of expression. Why are we not allowed to reproduce Momoh in a painting? Is he really that ugly? Or did he even exist?

Eid, learning to kill
The feast of Eid, the feast of the sheep, what pleasure there is in slitting the throat of an animal, God’s creation. All life has a soul. What pleasure can there be in slitting the throats of innocent children, most of whom are haunted by these barbaric images that end up recurring in their nightmares? This Eid is a factory of future torturers.

There is no country in the world that is at peace where the religion of Allah is the state religion! Why continue to turn a blind eye? This religion, or this sect, or this very lucrative association does not aspire to any passibility. Children are manipulated from an early age to wield the sword of their ancestors to slit the throats not of sheep, but of miscreants! These people are the enemies of Islam, because we mustn’t forget that Allah said, “Kill the unbelievers by slitting their throats!” and “Strike your women wherever you like except the face and visible parts!” Sorry, I’m going off-topic here, but I couldn’t resist these references, because they are by far my favourite sad jokes in the book koran.

Other very amusing details are the changes made to this movement afterwards: no drinking, no eating pork, no marrying more than 4 women! (ladies, you’ll appreciate this), not to change religion under penalty of death, to prostrate oneself 5 or 6 times a day to the glory of my lord Allah because he sees everything, otherwise he will crack down and bring misfortune on people. The proof is that he has cursed the Western miscreants by driving them out, and they have taken refuge on the Moon.

No hope, you’re doomed
My friends, you who believe in a divine religion, let’s play a little game. Each time you agree with one of the following propositions, you score a point.

For me, the end-of-year holidays are called “Christmas holidays”.
I put my spare change in a piggy bank.
My children are allowed to watch Winnie the Pooh and his friend Piglet.
I wonder whether it’s really appropriate to stone women who have been raped.
I think the earth is round.
I find it strange that a 50-year-old man should marry a 6-year-old girl.
Children have the right to have Barbie dolls or teddy bears.
I am not prepared to become a 2nd class citizen in my own country.
If my daughter is raped by a gang of riffraff because she’s not wearing a headscarf, I have some reservations about welcoming multiculturalism.
I believe that politics should be decided by elected representatives rather than by a mob.
I don’t agree that my taxes should be used to fund people who want nothing more than to kill me.
I’m not entirely convinced that “Jihad” means “inner spiritual struggle”.
I can’t understand why the Jews have to be exterminated.
I allow my children to play with LEGOs (made in Denmark).
I am not married to at least one of my cousins.
I sometimes question public television reports.
I sometimes wonder what’s inside those walking tents (burqas).
I’ve realised that “taqiya” is not a Mexican beer.
I don’t fully appreciate a multicultural society that forces a grandmother to undergo a rectal examination before taking a plane.
Although I don’t even speak Arabic, I claim to understand the phrase “Kill the infidels wherever they may be”.
I have doubts about the usefulness of faith schools where children are taught that I and my family are less than nothing.
I don’t understand why flying the flag of my country, in my country, is an incitement to hatred.
I don’t understand how racist the police are when they prevent certain minorities from expressing their frustrations through mass murder.
Like Amaranthe Benar-shah, I worry about the presence of bearded men when I remember the famous adage “one bearded man is a bearded man; three bearded men are bearded men”.


How many propositions do you agree with?

0: you’re a good, excellent Momohien
1 to 5: you’re an infidel’s dog
6 to 10: you’re a blatant Islamophobe
11 to 15 : you’re a thought criminal
16 to 20 : you are an enemy of Allah
20+: you are a “Zionist crusader, the offspring of pigs and monkeys”.

Perpetrators are urged to report their actions promptly to the appropriate authorities.

Stop playing with yourselves, Muslims, because moderate Islam has never existed. The real Islam, as invented by Momoh and his comrades-in-arms, is war in the name of their own interests. Bin Laden understood everything: true Islam is in the gesture of this 11-year-old child, who is ordered to slit a man’s throat in the name of a historical falsification. So, are you still going to keep their business going or are you finally going to understand that you are nothing more than the doormat on which the Arabs (I’m talking about the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, not the fakes) clean their sand-filled feet, thanks to the monetary storms that you provide them with!


There is no cure for this disease called Islam, because it lobotomises brains and reinvents lives, just as it reinvented History.

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