The United States placed, this Friday, December 2, colonial Algeria alongside the Central African Republic, the Comoros and Vietnam on the “special watch” list of countries that violate religious freedom. As a reminder, Algeria is already on the list established in November 2021.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is tasked with deciding whether to place a country under “special watch” or more seriously as a “country of particular concern” follows the foreign policy recommendations of USCIRF* a body federal government responsible for collecting, observing and analyzing violations of religious freedom around the world.
On November 11 in Geneva, during the UPR (Universal Periodic Review) review on human rights, devoted to colonial Algeria, among other recommendations presented by several countries, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies rights, on the practice of religions other than Islam, indicated that certain laws in Algeria “were used to prevent religious minorities from fully exercising their right to freedom of religion or belief, including their right freedom of association and peaceful assembly”.
With nearly 30 churches or places of worship other than those of Islam, arbitrarily closed, accompanied by social, administrative, judicial harassment and imprisonment, Algeria is a black sheep. A country in the crosshairs of the international community, closely tracked for its iterative violations of human rights in all areas.
The prevention of religious minorities from exercising their worship and the arbitrary closures of dozens of churches thus reveal the theocratic nature of an obscurantist Algeria with fascist political practices.
In the communiqué of the American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, this country called Algeria, even if it appears on the list of “special surveillance” the fact remains that it is cited in the same batch of States – rogue for some – to anti-democratic practices, such as North Korea, Myanmar, China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Eritrea, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan and even the Wagner Group and other terrorist entities.
In the press release Mr. Blinken affirms “Around the world, governments and non-state actors harass, threaten, imprison and even kill people because of their beliefs” he also warns that “The United States will not remain inactive in the face of these abuses.
After the multiple letters of denunciations, condemnations and recommendations initiated by parliamentarians, UN and state institutions, numerous NGOs, relating to human rights, remained a dead letter, the inclusion, for the second time, of the Does colonial Algeria in this blacklist indicate that the net is now tightening around this deaf and arrogant entity?
Multi-recidivist, unrepentant and irascible colonial Algeria in terms of human rights violations, like its Islamist fundamentalists trained by its school – contaminated by Islamist fascist ideology – who attack art in all its forms and caricatures in unfair trials, the Algerian entity daring on the other hand to try to eradicate or reduce the teaching of the French language, language of culture and civilization, bearer of the universal values that some of the countries and civilized peoples are proud to learn and disseminate, is sinking more than ever into abject totalitarianism, incidentally pushing whole sections of the so-called Algerian populations, with denied freedoms, without a clear and coherent professional, cultural and societal future to flee at the risk of their lives, forming battalions of precarious undocumented migrants, vulnerable for some of them to all temptations, in the countries of Europe where they nevertheless survive in men, women and children free, far from the condition of slaves in their country, colonial Algeria.
Of its various condemnations and recommendations that have not been acted upon, the international community, after having put its values and ethics under a bushel, has it finally decided to leave its condition of hostage to this Algerian junta which is blackmailing it energy with the weapon of gas which, all things considered, by adopting the same decision taken towards Russian gas and oil in the process of a total boycott, will remain on the arms of this band of Algerian brigands who will have no other alternative only to drink it to the dregs, thus drying up its financial resources even if the cocaine trade seems to be slowly replacing the oil revenue? Wait and see.
In any case, let us remind certain forgetful Kabyles, today voluntarily timorous and living as “irviven”, in the condition of foreigners on their own lands, that this military junta, aware of the strong determination of the Kabyles, yielded to their requirement to withdraw its gendarmesque out of Kabylie, the tail between the legs.
Hasn’t the time come to use quiet and peaceful Kabyle force and leave this passive posture to get rid of this colonial Algeria for good?
*United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
CLKI – Free Chroniclers of Independent Kabylia