Algeria wants to dictate France’s foreign policy

1) Algeria has just excluded France from invitations to tender for wheat supplies. It intends to dictate its foreign policy to the Elysée Palace, particularly with regard to Morocco.
Éditions Gallimard has been banned from the Algiers International Book Fair. It is alleged that their publications ‘undermine the symbols of the State and glorify terrorism, violence and racism’. Dictatorships cannot tolerate freedom of expression, religion, or democracy. As soon as you write about Kabylia and democracy you are accused of racism and terrorism as well as sympathy for the peaceful Movement for the Self-Determination of Kabylia, MAK.
A month ago, Algeria levelled serious accusations against France, notably for turning a blind eye to alleged arms trafficking from the Port of Marseille to Kabylia, a story that was fabricated.
These days, and this was the subject of my post yesterday, Algerian President Tebboune has accused France of genocide in Algeria in order to conceal the genocide it is committing in Kabylia.
How long will France continue to ignore the fact that its interests and values will never go hand in hand with the criminal objectives of a rogue state like Algiers? How long will France continue to ignore the fact that its only salvation in this country lies in the emergence of a secular, democratic and sovereign Kabyle state?
Let’s hear it!
Ferhat Mehenni, President of the Kabyle government in exile.

The Algerian President accuses France of attempting to commit genocide and Christianise the Algerians.
He is clearly ignorant of his own history. France did not want to Christianise the North Africans. On the contrary, France Islamised them. They were not allowed to have any religion other than Islam. It was France that printed the religious texts of Islam, opened Koranic schools and encouraged pilgrimages to Mecca.

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