Algeria, the land of clowns

Algeria, the land of clowns: Contestation of the Algerian election results by the candidate declared the winner with 95% of the votes cast.
During the presidential elections on 8 September 2024, the ‘victorious’ candidate was among those contesting the results. It’s a farce of boundless stupidity, to the point where even those appointed by the regime to tamper with the results no longer know how to go about it. This country is the laughing stock of the world, a situation without precedent.

They are going to end up accusing the Kabylian liberation movement of having doctored the figures for these pseudo-Algerian elections.


Algiers, 8 September 2024
Joint Declaration

We, the undersigned, electoral campaign managers of the three candidates in the presidential election of 7 September 2024 :

. Youcef Aouchiche, Front des Forces Socialistes candidate
. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, independent candidate, the declared winner of this election.
. Abdelali Hassani Chérif, candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace.

Let us inform national public opinion of the opacity, contradictions, ambiguity, and inconsistencies in the figures recorded when the provisional results of the presidential election were announced by the President of the Independent National Election Authority, in particular:

1. The opacity and contradictions in the announced turnout figures.
2. The contradiction between the figures announced by the chairman of the Authority and the content of the vote counting and centralisation reports submitted by the communal and wilaya electoral commissions.
3. The ambiguity of the statement announcing the provisional results of the presidential election, which lacked most of the essential data usually included in such a statement, as is customary for all major national elections.
4. The anomaly in the announcement of the percentages for each candidate.

Signatures of the campaign managers of the three candidates
 Cap Kabylia.

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