Algeria: demolition of King Sifaks’ mausoleum

The ruins and tomb where the Amazigh King Syfaks is buried in Ain Timouchent, whose real name is Thala Touchent (the source of the fox), in western Algeria, were completely demolished by bulldozers on Thursday 6 June 2024.
According to local residents who denounced this criminal act, the remains and tomb of King Syfaks, who reigned for centuries before Christ, were destroyed. It was a member of the Algerian regime who obtained a deed of ownership for the site, which houses the ancient remains of the kingdom of the Numidian king. This vandal of the Algerian system is demolishing a piece of North African and Mediterranean history in order to build a tourist complex. King Syfaks was one of the main characters in the so-called Punic Wars, which pitted the Roman alliance of Scipio-Massinissa against that of Hannibal-Sifaks.
Apparently no one can stop him, and as we publish this terrible news, the bulldozers are carrying out their macabre mission. It is an inexcusable tragedy to commit such an act.
The racist Algerian state wants to wipe out all traces of Amazigh civilisation in Algeria.

Idir Yatafen

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